loading... ღ It's all about my life ღ

Tuesday 19 November 2013

I'm so so so! sorry~

I am so so so sorry for you...
You invite me go hang out many time...
And I keep 放飞机...

I really really so sorry ><
I had to lie to you that my bapak don't let me go...
其实 I can't go because...
I had no money TT
I don't want let you belanja me...
I had 欠 so many people money...
I don't want to 欠 you money...
I know...
Borrow money must pay back...
If not next time hard to borrow...
I don't want to borrow money anymore not just because
欠 many people...
I also no money to pay you back...

Hope you didn't think too much
Think that I purposely don't want go with you...
I really cannot go TT...

I want say again
!!!SO SORRY!!!


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