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Saturday 4 January 2014

Sad :'(

I dunno what to do right now...
All of the subject is in Bahasa Melayu...
Add-Math... Biology... Physic... Chemistry...
I used to like all this subject...
But when I got my text book last week...
I saw all the subject is in BM...
I feel no mood to study at all...
NO MOOD at all... :3
Huhu T^T
How ah...
I dunno how to answer in BM... T^T
Other school is teaching in English...
But my school is in BM T^T
My dad say...
Next year maybe all this subject is in BM...
If I learn in English right now...
Next year change to BM... I think too late already...
I think if learn in BM right now got some benefit... At least not too late... :3


And now... T^T
I dunno how to do BM komsas!!!...
It call me to do summary... " pengenalan" and so on...
In I-think... =3=
I don't have the reference book for komsas T^T
How I am going to do all this...


2014 already...
I form 4 already...
I don't have the feeling of study...
I getting lazy to do homework...
Because all is in BM T^T...
Feel so boring... And I feel I want to stop study...
But... My dad will kill me if I stop studying...
I keep telling myself that I must study!!!
Do homework early!!!
Don't be lazy!!!
But until now... I still haven touch my book yet... ==
Just keep playing... Sleeping... Haiz...
Dunno what to do then I can be hardworking...
Oh god... Can you tell me what to do T^T...
I need some help...

End... T^T

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