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Saturday 4 January 2014

Braces :/

I keep asking myself...
How they put the braces on the teeth...
Haha... Keep wandering... :3
But I now know how it done :3
I yesterday just done my braces...
Oh what a surprise...
I though it very pain...
But actually it doesn't pain at all...
First it put some medicine...
Then it put the bracket on it...
One by one...
Then... When it started stick it...
I dunno what they had done... ==
They scan the teeth by some sort of light...
Maybe is to make sure more sticky... xDD
Then they put the wire on it...
Press it into the bracket...
That time doesn't pain...
But right now... ==
I started pain...
Because... It started to pull my teeth closer and closer... Huhu T^T
So pain... Can't concentrate at all huhu T^T
So... I now dunno what to write niao...
So I stop here right now huhu~~ Night night... ==
Too pain liao... I also dunno what I writing... I simply write ==
If you doesn't understand so... It your problems!!! xDD haha!!!

End... Pain pain T^T


  1. huhuhuhu... want leng mah TT but i eat bubur eat dao sien lo.

  2. bubur can capur with other thing de marh :P

  3. yeah. today i eat mee xDD hoho finally got no bubur
