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Monday 27 January 2014


Oh my...
I had say something wrong again...
My word today were so hurt...
== Now think back I got feel a bit of guilty...
But he make me so angry...
Until I can't control my emotional ==
I really wish work to be done so perfectly...
Last time whole class job I did all...
Specially the " buku kawalan "...
But then now he started to handle the book...
The whole book is worst!
That page had rip...
So angry lor...
Hand writing was worst!
He also go and fold the cardboard...
Now it look ugly already!
== Today I write some note in white board...
Then he go and rub it!
First time never mind...
But then second time he do it again!
What a jerk!
So angry scold him a lot!
Say " you do everything also worst!
Book also you ripped...
Class you didn't care...
Then you keep rubbing my note!
Bla bla bla lah... "
== It reached my boiling point! already!
When I say finish...
At last he told me...
" My job I know what to do...
No need you to be teach me what to do... "
On that time...
I do feel I had do something wrong...
Now the job is he doing...
Why should I to care about it...
Never mind... ==
I try not to care about it anymore...
Just take the book every morning...
Then other thing no need to do...
Why I need so 8 gua...


Saturday 25 January 2014

The other me...

The other me...
It was like an werewolf met the full moon...
A weak werewolf wishing to be more powerful...
I had live on this world for 15 years 5 months and 1 days...
I had realize that...
I had wasted this all years...
Playing computer games... Crying for nothing... Dreaming...
So waste of time...
I got some feeling that...
I am going to die soon...
Not so long...
So I just want to do what I haven do...
My mind so out of sudden become so clear...
Knows that time do not wait for us...
Everyday, every hours, every seconds...
We all are dying...
And I wanna to be brave to face the death...
Say the truth...
I so scare of death...
I don't understand why some of them doesn't scare about death...
Oh gosh... I sometime think about when I die... Where will I go...
I die already then I cannot be with all my lovers...
So painful... I don't want to lose them all...
As the conclusion...
I do wish... When I was born...
Better I don't want to know any people...
If the more I close with them...
The more suffer I get in the future...
I hate that!!!
So much!!!
Always be with all yours loves one...
Before is too late...

( Actually... This is not I want to say... :3 But doesn't matter... No need to write down... hoho )

Friday 24 January 2014

It's complicated...

It's complicated...
I keep giving myself a lot of pressure...
I know time so tight already... Got a lot of homework...
But I still choose to join Chinese's traditional dance, curriculum after school...
And so on...
I keep thinking if I do like this...
It may help me to be more stronger...
More patient...
More proactive...
It failed...
It making me so stressed out...
I get angry easy when it is so irritating...
Today I had do something...
So not myself...
I had yelled my best friend...
I didn't mean to yell on you...
Man... When I yelled on you...
My heart was like " What had I DONE...
==!!! It didn't goes what I think to be...
No matter how hard it takes...
I also had to be patient...
I hate to be a weak person...

End of the story...!!!

Sunday 19 January 2014

New year resolution

          Something have disturbing me for so long. I keep wondering, how I get " A " in my PMR English exam. When my English teacher, Teacher Ong asked us to do an essay about " New Year Resolution " . I have no idea how to do this essay, I doesn't know how to do essay correctly, but no matter how hard I will try to finish it. 
          Time do flies, in a blink of an eye. I can't believe I am 16 years old now. I still haven set my goal yet for this year and I still on holiday mood, haven start get serious on every thing. Every thing is still new for me, all subject is in Bahasa Malaysia, so it is hard for me to understand all of it because I studied Science and Mathematics in English for three years. Never the less, I will study and read more as I can to understand it. 
          Furthermore, I attend tuition classes too, the teachers are so helpful and help me to learn and understand a lot, but it make me feel so tired because sometime I will three o'clock went back home then after two hours later I still need to go tuition and on holiday, tuition center still go on, so I guess I need to adjust my time so that I won't procrastinate my homework.

          On 2014, there were a lot of changes, all of my friends are on the same class. I am so happy that we all have unite together. Besides, on this year I am worrying about one of my friends, Felicia. I don't know what had happened to her this few years. She was great on her result last two years, she always get all " A " in every subject, but last year her result was getting worst. Before PMR, she just stayed at her house study, study and study, she didn't came to school, she looked so stress. I can't believe she only get three " A " on her PMR exam. I though she will get straight " A " , but... I feel so useless, as her friend, I don't know what had happened on her. So on this year, I will try to study with her every time, makes sure she won't be so stress.

          I hope this year will be a success and I will put all my effort to achieve by this year. Wish me luck.

End xDD
Actually this is my English homework... Just post for fun ^^

Sunday 12 January 2014

Hell Yeah!!!

Oh hell yeah!!!
So happy now... xDD
My homework is done...!!!
Tomorrow some of the member of longkang gang is going to unite...
So excited ahh!!!
Yes yes!!!
== So high right now...
Need calm down awhile...
Never mind...
Stop write here... == I am too high right...
== My brother bake cake already ==
Using his computer haha
End here loooo~~~ Night all~~~
End... xDD

o.o What I am thinking...

The Angel of Wind...
I dunno what am I thinking this few days...
Thinking about wanna to be her...
But to be her...
It need to sacrifice your most precious thing...
My dream started...
One days...
I was jogging at the park...
Suddenly have a huge tornado came out from no where...
And I got sucked in the midst of the tornado...
Then I passed out...
When I woke up...
I realise that...
My faces was changed... Change become so pretty...
I got a pair of wings behind me too... OMG...
Not only the wings and the face... I got the power of wind!!!
My gosh...
Actually I really wish I will become an angel...
But the bad news is...
I will lose my loves one...
I will lose everything...
But I didn't felt so sad...
I felt more happy...
Even though in the news saying that I had pass away...
I felt so awesome...
So happy that my dream was come true...
I guess...
Becoming an angel...
Is more important than I living...
If can choose... I choose to be an angel...
Not a human...
== What the heck I am writing now...
Just forget it...
No one understand I guess xDD
By the way writing this blog just write for me... ==
I understand enough liao xDD
If you all no understand... Just ignore... ^^
End... xDD

Wednesday 8 January 2014

What a busy day...

What a busy day...
Seen I done my braces...
All around me keep asking about the braces...
" Hey Lee~ When you do your braces?... "
" How much you do your braces?... "
" Oh my~ Yo... Lee!!! "
Oh my gosh...
So many comment about my braces... Huhu...
Plus... A lot of people wanna start do braces =3=...
But I want to be special in class T^T
I want the only one that wearing braces in school~
I want be abnormal xDD haha
Then sooner~ Class start... ==
I yesterday absent for the medical check up...
Then just one day...
You know?!
One Day!
I missed a lot of things!!!
Plus so many homework!!!
Just one day!!!
Then keep rush rush rush...
=3= huhu so busy until I had no time to on my computer...
Then after school...
I keep rush again... == Still haven finish...
Few hours later I need to go tuition class...
Ah... == It English today...
I hate English class...
Dunno why... ==
Just hate it...
We learn about Comprehension and Summary today
My god == Teacher call me to do in 10 minute... I one question also dunno how to do!!!
Oh my god!!! So scare that time...
Scare Miss Yoor will " kick " me xDD haha
But lucky she understand me huhu T^T
She know I had 2 months no come tuition ==
So I saved!!! Phew...!!!
Then sooner getting funnier on the class...
Got joke got laugh xDD
Happy lah xDD
Then in the end we going back hor...
Miss Yoor say that she want check that who got bring the plastic bag!!!
=3= What the hell!!!
All student was like
What the duck duck!!! O.O!!!
We all didn't bring that damn plastic bag ==
Except some of them...
Then == kena " kick " by Miss Yoor xDD -joking-
Soon went back home...
I haven finish my damn kimia amali!!!
This is suck!!!
Keep rush again xDD
But I finally done it... And right now I am writing the blog huhu...
So long I didn't renew my blog again xDD
Sorry for that hehe...
Too busy to do last minute homework haha... T^T
Ok lah this is the end...
Good night all xDD

End xDD
== Haven prepare the book again... Suck...

Saturday 4 January 2014

Braces :/

I keep asking myself...
How they put the braces on the teeth...
Haha... Keep wandering... :3
But I now know how it done :3
I yesterday just done my braces...
Oh what a surprise...
I though it very pain...
But actually it doesn't pain at all...
First it put some medicine...
Then it put the bracket on it...
One by one...
Then... When it started stick it...
I dunno what they had done... ==
They scan the teeth by some sort of light...
Maybe is to make sure more sticky... xDD
Then they put the wire on it...
Press it into the bracket...
That time doesn't pain...
But right now... ==
I started pain...
Because... It started to pull my teeth closer and closer... Huhu T^T
So pain... Can't concentrate at all huhu T^T
So... I now dunno what to write niao...
So I stop here right now huhu~~ Night night... ==
Too pain liao... I also dunno what I writing... I simply write ==
If you doesn't understand so... It your problems!!! xDD haha!!!

End... Pain pain T^T

Sad :'(

I dunno what to do right now...
All of the subject is in Bahasa Melayu...
Add-Math... Biology... Physic... Chemistry...
I used to like all this subject...
But when I got my text book last week...
I saw all the subject is in BM...
I feel no mood to study at all...
NO MOOD at all... :3
Huhu T^T
How ah...
I dunno how to answer in BM... T^T
Other school is teaching in English...
But my school is in BM T^T
My dad say...
Next year maybe all this subject is in BM...
If I learn in English right now...
Next year change to BM... I think too late already...
I think if learn in BM right now got some benefit... At least not too late... :3


And now... T^T
I dunno how to do BM komsas!!!...
It call me to do summary... " pengenalan" and so on...
In I-think... =3=
I don't have the reference book for komsas T^T
How I am going to do all this...


2014 already...
I form 4 already...
I don't have the feeling of study...
I getting lazy to do homework...
Because all is in BM T^T...
Feel so boring... And I feel I want to stop study...
But... My dad will kill me if I stop studying...
I keep telling myself that I must study!!!
Do homework early!!!
Don't be lazy!!!
But until now... I still haven touch my book yet... ==
Just keep playing... Sleeping... Haiz...
Dunno what to do then I can be hardworking...
Oh god... Can you tell me what to do T^T...
I need some help...

End... T^T