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Tuesday 12 April 2016

Today story of my life #7 part 2

Ok, let me continue my story on 8 April 2016!!!
I know had already passed like 5 days ago ( because I am too busy worrying about the driving test before that haha )
I remember that day I was so damn tired, tired until I had no strength to move around ( like a corpse XD )

Let's start!
I 11.55am headed to Pudu, the place where I met up with my uncle.
My father fetched me with motorcycle and holy shit the weather is killing me! ( I'M BURNINGGGGGGG )
When I reached there, I soaked with my sweat ( I HATE HOT WEATHER!!! )
I was quite worry that day because I still haven't pay for the exam stuffs and I didn't know how to pay it.
But my problems were solved when I saw my aunty, she worked there before so she can help me talk to the counter.
She came here to pay for her son's exam fee too ( yeah my lifesaver <3 )
My aunty also gave me new pants ( thanks ^^ )
1pm uncle called and we headed to Sungai Buloh, 1 hours away from Pudu.
I will having exam on Monday at there too ( which is on 11 April 2016 )
Before that, I drive at small housing area and roadside but that day I drove to somewhere so far away ( it was pretty fun! )
I been there before once, I listened my 'undang' at there.
But I had no idea how to go there already.
When near the tol, I was so confused!
So much of cars and I don't know where my uncle was pointing.
I thought he called me to switch lane because his hands moved around.
But then he said noo! ( emergency brake, scared me D: )
At tol there, met a lot of weird people lol, got people went to touch n go lane but their touch n go not enough money.
Then he wanted to reverse, but behind so many people already ( bruhhh lucky got people called him to pay cash )
If not all people have to reverse, that is crazy ( XDD )
Got one more driver, he drove straight to the unavailable lane ( lolol uncle say this people drunk already kah )
And my turn haha, when entering the lane, I wanted to drive close to the pay thing.
But my uncle scared I bang the side so he pulled away the car and the car moved more futher from the pay thing.
Lucky my hand long enough LOL if not have to open the door and scan ( XDD blame uncle for that )
Anyway it was my first time pay the tol by myself ( cool experience!!! )
After tol was highway of course, I drove until 100km/h++ ( woahhhhh so smooth and fun!!! )
The road at Sungai Buloh damnn so bad ( so many holes, bim boom D: )
I remember that day I didn't aware the road in front, so I pressed the oil and sped up.
But then my uncle suddenly shouted at me and braked ( omg I got really really scared! )
He shouted because the road is getting smaller in front and the bus beside me didn't slow down.
The bus and I will collide and BOOM if I didn't slow down ( I should be aware about this next time! :< )
I reached there about 2pm like that, uncle went to the counter, he wrote something on a paper.
But something I was confused about which was he wrote my cousin name instead of me ( hmm wait what o.o? )
My friend said must thumbprint or anything but I don't have, I just wait for uncle to write a name and sign that's all.
After that, uncle guided me where to go for on the road.
First time I don't really know where to go and uncle kept calling me to move in front but in front got so many cars ( lololol )
After went through once, for second time I had no any problem ( good, learn from mistake haha xDD )
At first I thought the route for on the road was far, many turns and tough.
But actually it was not that hard, the route was quite short, only 5 minutes away from the centre.
After finished learning on the road, my uncle taught me ramp ( new things, I didn't know what was ramp for the first time )
Ohhh that ramp was so shit for the first time, uncle taught me so easy but when mine turn ( D: i got nervous and... )
First few times kept making mistakes, the car can't move up and sometime I hit the brake quite slow, over the line already.
Huhu I am stuck at the ramp for like 1 hour like that ( of course practice make perfect :3 )
After finished the ramp thing, I practiced uphill things, side parking, three point turns, S road and Z road.
I never learn or practice before S road but mehhh I passed for the first attempt without mistake I am professional hahah! )
But I got goldfish memory for sure ( because I forget things quite easy!!! T^T )
I kept forgot where should I go afterwards LOL ( I made uncle 'beh song' liao XDD hahaha )
Continue driving, kept driving until the time finished.
During practicing, my uncle took out apple knife and slide apple, he even asked me whether I want to eat or not.
But I said don't want seem I don't really like to eat apple :3 ( I remember I asked my uncle, you only eat apple for lunch? )
He answered yah, pity me T^T ( lolol with that pity face XDD omg uncle is funny, I also didn't eat anything on that day lol )
After he finished eating apple, he opened a pack of peanut ( I was like LOL uncle car packed so many foods ehhh )
Half way through he slept inside the car ( abuuu I also want to sleep that time :3 kept driving nonstop )
I remember something, at there omg the smell at there was like ( cow's shit smell D: sooo smelly )
Every time side parking, I finished it quickly and closed the window as fast as I can ( LOL seriously unbearable )
And the wind at Sungai Buloh was heat waves ( the wind very hot, once I open my window my hands burning D: )
Around 4pm like that, I felt so stressed up for a while == because I can't do the ramp thing.
I kept failing for the ramp thing, the weather was so hot that time, I didn't eat lunch either...
Then uncle leave me for a second, at that moment I quickly calmed myself down then finally success!
Time tik tok tik tok, uncle asked me whether I OK already or not, I was not so sure about it seem I am afraid of the ramp.
Ramp only got once chance during the exam, but then I just said OK, so we went back at 5.30pm like that.
I don't want to waste his time either lol ( seem my time was over )
On the way back, uncle opened again butter biscuit ( LOL haha )
He asked me again whether I want to eat, at first I rejected him but then he insisted to give me.
But I am driving right now! ( LOL he said no need worry de la, take it~ kept pushing the biscuit near to me ) 
In the end, I took his biscuit and ate it :3 ( so cute lol, packed so many things inside the car )
Way back time, ouch traffic jammmmmm and raining too ( T^T NOOOO )

I trapped in the traffic jam was like one and half hours ( T^T my legsssssss )
Radio: 'Traffic jam everywhere! Have fun guys!' ( I was like have fun?! how to have fun!!! )
Uncle opened his waze and checked whether got alternative road but still == everywhere full of cars...
Uncle noticed I wanted to sleep and he purposely volume up the radio ( :3 prevent me to sleep abuu )
Slowly, my time with uncle finished... ( feel kind of sad huhu no more driving with uncleeee T^T )
After that I took train and went back home... ( peak hour D: train full of people, unable to breath!!! )
After reached home, my legs out of batteries ( broke down!!! )
Driving car nonstop for 6hours+ and stuck in the traffic jam ( no joke!!! seriously tiring ) 
Had to hit brake, then let go brake press oil, and then hit brake again...
I can't even climb staircase afterwards LOL
And my day ended like that XDD

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