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Thursday 14 April 2016

Huge disappointment :'(

Oh mann, I am so sad today :(
My father told me that I didn't accept by the matriculation, I double checked, I really didn't get it ( I cried so hard T^T )
I prayed so hard and wished I can get matriculation.
I even imagined my life in matriculation, have roommates, meet new friends and so on...
Well for me, matriculation is like a shortcut ticket to public university, and I really really hope I can get it... 
But in the end I didn't even get it ( feel so hopeless )
I got another plan which is going to form6, but I don't really like it so much...
First, form6 is a long journey, it takes like one and half years ( which compare to matriculation, matriculation more faster )
Second, we have to continue study at secondary school for another one and half year which I don't like it at all
I had studied for like 5 years at there and now I need to continue study at the same place? ( a big NONO )
Well if study at my school I am OK with it because I know my teachers, but my school don't have science class...
The other school I know would be at SMK Sri Sentosa ( so many chinese students D: I'm scare... )
I prefer to study at new surrounding, like study at Melaka or anywhere else ( I just don't like form6 :< )

Some people got only 5A or 6A and they can enter matriculation ( what is this?! )
Sometime I really hate the quota system, so unfair for those non muslim...
But we can't do anything about it ( I am hoping for miracle T^T )
Congrats for those who get it~ ( huhu... )

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