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Wednesday 20 April 2016

After I got my P licence...

Hello world :3
I passed my driving lesson for like 9 days ago and I got my P licence on 16 April 2016 ( can legally drive on the road hoho )
But still I am slightly afraid to drive on the road ( scary ;_; )
I was totally fine last time when I drove the car with uncle at busy roadside, but now without him around I feel so insecure.
Especially at the roundabout ( most scary and insecure place ever :3 )
There are too many cars out there, some even honked at me if I drive too slow and I am afraid I will bang other cars too...
And my father beside me kept shouting that I almost hit beside but actually I didn't ( stress :< )
The feelings, last time I have during L licence time had gone ( T^T the confidants, where are you~ ) 
I actually feel so scare when people honked at me, I got panicked lol ( ahhh I need some time to get used to it... )

I feel kind of stupid ( huhu :3 )
People keep saying driving is easy but I can't even done it right ( damnn D: )
Actually I don't know how to parking right in the box yet when outside of the exam place ( lolol XD )
Exam time got pole for you to know where to turn what? ( my fear finally come D: )
I remembered I asked uncle about this once, outside parking lots where got pole for us lol?
He answered me, that you need to learn yourself and experience it yourself ( ohh craps... )
Well at least now I re-parking for some times then can ( lolol RIP if it is on peak hours :3 )
Ohh man, when will I have the courage to drive normally on the road!? -pray hard-

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