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Friday 29 April 2016

Go back to square one

Hello guys~
Just want to say that I am going to start school soon ( in May )
5 more days I gonna register at my new school ( which is on 4th of May )
Quite excited yet nervous too ( the school I gonna study has a lot of elite o.o )
I have been resting for like the whole 5 months since after SPM exam.
Just can't believe time flies so fast...
Last year I had thought a lot of plans about what we wanted to do during the holidays.
-Want to play ice skating with friends
-Travel with buddies
-Do some extreme trips with friends
But all these plans none of them were achieved ( cheh :3 )
I got 5 months of holidays but I just let it slip by ( feel disappointed T^T )

Well about my further studies, I am hesitating what subjects I want to pick...
I can only choose 3, I have to choose either maths or physics ( this is so fucked up D: I can't choose! )
Feel like choosing the flavor of the potato chips ( too hard to choose XDD )
I don't read or touch any books way too long already dunno whether I can understand what teachers gonna teach later.
I guess I had forgotten how to write essay ( RIP! 。_。 )
And one more thing is I have been rotting in my house for quite some time.
Can I manage to make new friends ( can I O.O? )
I remember the last time I hung out with my friend was we went to eat Sushi King and watch Zootopia movie.
When was it hahaha ( I think I got wrote about it on my blog XDD )
5 months of holidays I only hung out once or twice ( damn -_- I almost forget how to talk seem I didn't talk much at house )

Well everything starts over again.
Start studying, meet new friends, same routine everyday...
Everyone continue further their studies at different school.
I did feel kind of sad seem we all fought together for like 5 years and now only a few of them are same school with me... 
The others all gone to another places ( people come and go, this is what we call life ~.~ )

Anyway wish everyone good luck then wish me luck too! :D I seriously need it )

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