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Saturday, 9 April 2016

Driving test notes

Rutin Pemeriksaan Kenderaan ( RPK )

In front
1. -take out L license and check-  Lesen belajar memandu saya kelas DA masih sah tempoh sehingga 3 Mei 2016. ( follow your own L license )
2. -check road tax-  Cukai jalan kenderaan XXX 1234 sama dengan no. plat pendaftaran hadapan dan masih sah tempoh sehingga... ( follow the car )
3. -touch the front mirror-  Cermin hadapan dalam keadaan baik/retak.
4. -pull up both wipers and clean it-  Pengelap cermin hadapan dalam keadaan baik/koyak.
5. -touch bonet-  Bonet hadapan dalam keadaan baik/kemek.
6. -touch both front light-  Lampu hadapan kiri dan kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
7. -touch both signal light-  Lampu isyarat hadapan kiri dan kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
8. -touch plate number-  No. plat pendaftaran hadapan XXX 1234 dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
9. -touch bumper-  Bumper hadapan dalam keadaan baik/kemek.

Right side
1. -touch and press the front tire-  Tayar depan kanan tekanan angin cukup, bunga tebal dan keadaan fizikal tayar dalam keadaan baik.
2. -touch side signal light-  Lampu isyarat sebelah kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
3. -touch side mirror-  Cermin sisi kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
4. -touch both door mirror-  Cermin pintu depan dan belakang dalam keadaan baik/retak.
5. -open driver side door, open bonet and but and close the door-
6. -touch and press the back tire-  Tayar belakang kanan tekanan angin cukup, bunga masih tebal dan keadaan fizikal tayar dalam keadaan baik.

1. -touch back mirror-  Cermin belakang dalam keadaan baik/retak.
2. -if got wiper pull up and clean it-  Pengelap cermin belakang dalam keadaan baik/koyak.
3. -touch brake lights-  Lampu brak ke-tiga, lampu brak belakang kiri dan kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
4. -touch back signal light-  Lampu isyarat belakang kiri dan kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
5. -touch but-  But belakang dalam keadaan baik/kemek.
6. -touch plate number-  No. plat pendaftaran belakang XXX 1234 dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
7. -touch back bumper-  Bumper belakang dalam keadaan baik/kemek.

But side
1. -open but-
2. -take the triangle warning sign-  Tanda amaran segi tiga ada.
3. -take the jack-  Jack ada.
4. -take the tools-  Alat pembuka nut roda ada.
5. -check and press spare tire-  Tayar gantian ada, tekanan angin cukup, bunga tebal lagi dan keadaan fizikal tayar dalam keadaan baik.
6. -close the but-

Left side
1. -touch and press the front tire-  Tayar depan kiri tekanan angin cukup, bunga tebal dan keadaan fizikal tayar dalam keadaan baik.
2. -touch side signal light-  Lampu isyarat sebelah kiri dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
3. -touch side mirror-  Cermin sisi kiri dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
4. -touch both door mirror-  Cermin pintu depan dan belakang dalam keadaan baik/retak.
5. -touch and press the back tire-  Tayar belakang kiri tekanan angin cukup, bunga masih tebal dan keadaan fizikal tayar dalam keadaan baik.

Bonet side
1. -press inside clip, open the bonet and place the stand-
2. -check and touch battery-  Bateri dalam keadaan baik dan paras elektrolit mencukupi.
3. -press and turn left to open the radiator water tank-  Paras air tangki radiator mencukupi. ( turn right to close the cap back )
4. -open the cap of the water storage tank-  Paras air tangki simpanan radiator mencukupi. ( close it back )
5. -pinch the hos-  Hos dalam keadaan baik/retak.
6. -take out dipstick, clean it, put it back and pull it out-  Paras minyak pelincir mencukupi. ( put dipstick back )
7. -press the conveyor belt-  Tali sawat dalam keadaan baik. ( I dunno conveyor is what I google translate it :3 )
8. -open the cap of the brake fluid tube-  Paras cecair brek mencukupi. ( close it back )
9. -open wiper water tank-  Air pengelap cermin mencukupi. ( remember to close it back )
10. -press the bonet to close-

Rutin Sebelum Memandu ( RSM )
1. -Masuk, duduk dan memastikan brek tangan ditarik-
2. -laraskan tempat duduk-
3. -tangan pada stereng-
4. -tukar gear dalam posisi P-
5. -pakai tali pinggang keledar-
6. -pusing kunci kepada kedudukan 'ON'-
7. Lampu amaran suhu enjin berfungsi, lampu amaran brek tangan berfungsi, lampu amaran bateri berfungsi dan lampu amaran tekanan minyak enjin berfungsi. ( must point them correctly )
8. Tolok bahan api penuh/tidak cukup.
9. -laras cermin pandang belakang dan sisi-
10. -uji lampu isyarat, lampu depan, pemancut air, pengelap cermin, hon dan lampu hazard-
11. -hidupkan enjin dan tekan minyak-  Takometer berfungsi.

Ramp and car section 2 test

-remember to wear sit belt.
-remember to stop before every white line for 5 seconds.
-remember to signal where you want to go.
-pull up hand brake, put to neutral or P, honk and hands up for ramp and for side parkin only honk and hands up.
-ramp, remember to hit brake immediately when the front wheels go up.
-three point turn, remember not to stop half way, only stop at the end point.

no need to see, this are notes for myself: ramp>up hill>down hill>u turn and go straight to the end>turn left then turn left again>side parkin>turn left>three point turn>turn right>S road>turn left and go straight>turn left and go straight>Z road>go back to the hill ( every people different road )

On the road
-remember both route, JPJ will choose one of them, so must go the right way.
-remember wear sit belt.
-wherever got white line, traffic light or stop sign, must stop, pull up hand brake and set to neutral for 5 seconds.
-drive around 30km/h or 60km/h would be the best, not too slow or not too fast.
-remember signal where you want to go.
-stay on the left lane all the time.

no need to see, this are notes for myself: put signal to the right>go through roundabout>put signal to left>go straight>stop before white line, pull hand brake and set to neutral for 5 seconds>move on to the road side>drive to the taman>drive a square>clockwise for route 1>anticlockwise for route 2>then go back to the centre

Done :3 ( the video not mine, I found it on youtube )

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