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Wednesday 4 May 2016

Today story of my life #9

Oh hello!
Phew today seriously is tiring, I just came back from school ( T^T holiday end already no more relax anymore huhu )
I planned to sleep early at 10pm yesterday so I won't feel so tired today.
But then some distractions kept on coming.
I online for the whole day but no people want to find me.
When I was going to sleep, message came ( bruhhh why?! )
I wasted my one and half hours of my sleep time talking about the forms for tomorrow.
Another friend came by after I finished talked with my friend ( like what?! sorry I ignored your message, way too tired )
Distraction didn't end yet LOL, around 1am my another friend called me ( I was half way to dreamland T^T )
Yesterday night was horrible ( the world don't let me sleep in peace lol! )

Ok talk about today, I reached my school around 8 morning ( I thought I came too early because the school start at 9am )
Then coincidentally I met my friend KH, he also came early today.
My new school is huge ( 10 floors high, just like condominium LOL )
I wondered around the school and suddenly a teacher came by and called me ( am I done something wrong? D: )
Thought I done something wrong but then she politely shook my hands and welcomed me ( wow I didn't see that coming )
Then got a girl came, we chatted along for awhile, she from this school and taking science too ( maybe same class :D )
I then followed her to the class where all the form6 gathered ( luckily I met someone from that school XD )
We registered at the counter ( I was surprise tho so many people in the list )
Sadly she has friends so I didn't sit beside her.
While waiting people to come, I saw my tuition friend YY ( yeah XDD he is a funny guy! )
I excitedly walked up to him, said hi and asked him which class he gonna pick ( sadly he gonna choose for physics class )
Too much sadly today ( lolol XDD )
Many people kept coming, I had some headache ahh ( maybe stayed at house for too long without interact with people o.o )
Soon my friend FY arrived ( yeahh XD got partner already )
Then we saw our primary school friends YPT and DC ( but they seem like didn't recognize me T^T )
Later on, teachers gave us brief talks about the school and form6 stuff ( kinda boring mehh )
Soon everyone will have a card with our name and photo on it ( yeah I love card but why photo T^T )
The talks finished then was recess time ( food!!! )
But the foods at there kinda expensive, a little bit of spaghetti need RM3, asam laksa too need RM2.50 ( mehh :/ )
Disappointed with the canteen, not worthy ( T^T I thought this school gonna better than my old school )
After recess, another teacher talked about co-curriculum stuff.
Well there are only three sport games lol ( badminton, volleyball and basketball o.o ) 
I didn't expect the school only has three games club ( my old school got many tho )
Co-curriculum will be on first and last two period on Wednesday ( Wednesday sound so free, not bad )
I guess I gonna choose badminton ( so long didn't play badminton scare scare owo )
After that, the seniors introduced themselves and then they brought us to an open area to play some games.
Got one senior was from my primary school ( yeah :D I thought I won't see them anymore but she didn't know me lol )
Games that involve interacting with others ( not really like it tho o.o especially have to remember people's name )
I can't really remember people's name ( my brain become weak already T^T )
First, they called us to find friends, 13 people in a group ( I already know some of them in my group XDD easy case )
Then the seniors asked a lot of requests, asked us to queue up according to what they want and so on.

First they wanted us to queue up according our birth date as fast as possible ( lolol chaossss )
I kept shouting September September September ( because my birthday on September XDD )
Then got a girl asked me September what date and surprisingly we both said on 24th!
Wow I didn't expect to meet someone has the same birth date with me ( yeahhhh twins! )
Then we played guessing other people's name ( who the slowest gonna kicked out from the group lolol scary )
I tried so hard to remember their names ( Ains, Megan, Siti, Mila, Mega and so so on, too much already ) 
Then soon enough got one new guy came into our group.
He talked and asked what's my name and from which school ( a bit of surprise :D because seldom boys come talk to me )
He talked a bit of slow dunno he really is slow or he just dunno what to say next?
I guessed I talked way too fast just now lol he seem don't understand me ( or maybe I talked English very badly D: )
Well he is not same class with me too ( sad T^T he also maybe choose physics class )
We played for like few hours ( bruhhh tired )
Around 2.30pm, the orientation ended smoothly ( yeahh )
I drove my father's car back home ( haha big big car XD )
I guess that's all for today LOL ( nothing much happened after school )
Tomorrow I have to go school again ( huhu I don't have formal clothes to wear and I am lazy to wake up early T^T )
Wanna eat KFC after school ( so long didn't eat already haha! )
Dunno what gonna happen next ( a bit of nervous )
After start school I guess I won't be able to on anymore ( TwT huhu bye bye world )
Gonna fight hard for my dream ( wanna be just like my tuition sir :< all high D!!! )
Just do it yah!!!

Friday 29 April 2016

Go back to square one

Hello guys~
Just want to say that I am going to start school soon ( in May )
5 more days I gonna register at my new school ( which is on 4th of May )
Quite excited yet nervous too ( the school I gonna study has a lot of elite o.o )
I have been resting for like the whole 5 months since after SPM exam.
Just can't believe time flies so fast...
Last year I had thought a lot of plans about what we wanted to do during the holidays.
-Want to play ice skating with friends
-Travel with buddies
-Do some extreme trips with friends
But all these plans none of them were achieved ( cheh :3 )
I got 5 months of holidays but I just let it slip by ( feel disappointed T^T )

Well about my further studies, I am hesitating what subjects I want to pick...
I can only choose 3, I have to choose either maths or physics ( this is so fucked up D: I can't choose! )
Feel like choosing the flavor of the potato chips ( too hard to choose XDD )
I don't read or touch any books way too long already dunno whether I can understand what teachers gonna teach later.
I guess I had forgotten how to write essay ( RIP! 。_。 )
And one more thing is I have been rotting in my house for quite some time.
Can I manage to make new friends ( can I O.O? )
I remember the last time I hung out with my friend was we went to eat Sushi King and watch Zootopia movie.
When was it hahaha ( I think I got wrote about it on my blog XDD )
5 months of holidays I only hung out once or twice ( damn -_- I almost forget how to talk seem I didn't talk much at house )

Well everything starts over again.
Start studying, meet new friends, same routine everyday...
Everyone continue further their studies at different school.
I did feel kind of sad seem we all fought together for like 5 years and now only a few of them are same school with me... 
The others all gone to another places ( people come and go, this is what we call life ~.~ )

Anyway wish everyone good luck then wish me luck too! :D I seriously need it )

Monday 25 April 2016

Bad apple lyrics

I want to share a song that I recently fall in love with <3
Well it is an old song lol, but I can't stop listening to this song ( 2011 song :D ) 
Here is the lyrics ( background song choose 'Bad Apple' )
Or the links to the song:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG-Fs7de_9o ] ( the original English version )

Ever on and on I continue circling
With nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony
Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing
And suddenly I see that I can't break free—

Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity
With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony
To tell me who I am, who I was
Uncertainty enveloping my mind
Till I can't break free

Maybe it's a dream; maybe nothing else is real
But it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel
So I'm tired of all the pain, all the misery inside
And I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night
You can tell me what to say; you can tell me where to go
But I doubt that I would care, and my heart would never know
If I make another move there'll be no more turning back
Because everything will change and it all will fade to black
Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night?
Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light?
Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay, or should I go?
I've forgotten how to tell. Did I ever even know?
Can I take another step? I've done everything I can
All the people that I see I will never understand
If I find a way to change, if I step into the light
Then I'll never be the same and it all will fade to white

Ever on and on I continue circling
With nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony
Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing
And suddenly I see that I can't break free—

Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity
With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony
To tell me who I am, who I was
Uncertainty enveloping my mind
Till I can't break free

Maybe it's a dream; maybe nothing else is real
But it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel
So I'm tired of all the pain, all the misery inside
And I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night
You can tell me what to say; you can tell me where to go
But I doubt that I would care, and my heart would never know
If I make another move there'll be no more turning back
Because everything will change and it all will fade to black
If I make another move, if I take another step
Then it all would fall apart. There'd be nothing of me left
If I'm crying in the wind, if I'm crying in the night
Will there ever be a way? Will my heart return to white?
Can you tell me who you are? Can you tell me where I am?
I've forgotten how too see; I've forgotten if I can
If I opened up my eyes there'd be no more going back
'Cause I'd throw it all away and it all would fade to black

Owhhh the song really is something!!!
The lyrics seriously make me feel... ( I don't know how to explain >///< )
Why I didn't find it early LOL?!

P/S: I don't own anything of this.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

After I got my P licence...

Hello world :3
I passed my driving lesson for like 9 days ago and I got my P licence on 16 April 2016 ( can legally drive on the road hoho )
But still I am slightly afraid to drive on the road ( scary ;_; )
I was totally fine last time when I drove the car with uncle at busy roadside, but now without him around I feel so insecure.
Especially at the roundabout ( most scary and insecure place ever :3 )
There are too many cars out there, some even honked at me if I drive too slow and I am afraid I will bang other cars too...
And my father beside me kept shouting that I almost hit beside but actually I didn't ( stress :< )
The feelings, last time I have during L licence time had gone ( T^T the confidants, where are you~ ) 
I actually feel so scare when people honked at me, I got panicked lol ( ahhh I need some time to get used to it... )

I feel kind of stupid ( huhu :3 )
People keep saying driving is easy but I can't even done it right ( damnn D: )
Actually I don't know how to parking right in the box yet when outside of the exam place ( lolol XD )
Exam time got pole for you to know where to turn what? ( my fear finally come D: )
I remembered I asked uncle about this once, outside parking lots where got pole for us lol?
He answered me, that you need to learn yourself and experience it yourself ( ohh craps... )
Well at least now I re-parking for some times then can ( lolol RIP if it is on peak hours :3 )
Ohh man, when will I have the courage to drive normally on the road!? -pray hard-

Thursday 14 April 2016

Huge disappointment :'(

Oh mann, I am so sad today :(
My father told me that I didn't accept by the matriculation, I double checked, I really didn't get it ( I cried so hard T^T )
I prayed so hard and wished I can get matriculation.
I even imagined my life in matriculation, have roommates, meet new friends and so on...
Well for me, matriculation is like a shortcut ticket to public university, and I really really hope I can get it... 
But in the end I didn't even get it ( feel so hopeless )
I got another plan which is going to form6, but I don't really like it so much...
First, form6 is a long journey, it takes like one and half years ( which compare to matriculation, matriculation more faster )
Second, we have to continue study at secondary school for another one and half year which I don't like it at all
I had studied for like 5 years at there and now I need to continue study at the same place? ( a big NONO )
Well if study at my school I am OK with it because I know my teachers, but my school don't have science class...
The other school I know would be at SMK Sri Sentosa ( so many chinese students D: I'm scare... )
I prefer to study at new surrounding, like study at Melaka or anywhere else ( I just don't like form6 :< )

Some people got only 5A or 6A and they can enter matriculation ( what is this?! )
Sometime I really hate the quota system, so unfair for those non muslim...
But we can't do anything about it ( I am hoping for miracle T^T )
Congrats for those who get it~ ( huhu... )

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Today story of my life #8

Well well well, hello everyone!!!
I gonna write yesterday story ( as yesterday I am too lazy to update :P )
Yesterday I went to driving test at Sungai Buloh~

I passed my driving test yesterday yeahhh ( I know it is a common life event for every humans )
But for me, it is the best experiences ever!!!

The night before yesterday was terrible because neighbor's dogs kept barking middle of the night and woke me up.
Arghhh, the weather also very hot, I kept sweating the whole night ( no air conditioner at my house T^T )
At 5.45am I headed to Pudu as we were told to gather before 7am.
I was so damn nervous LOL yesterday!
Thought yesterday morning gonna rain so I went there by car, but in the end mehh no rain.
On the way to Pudu my father wanted to go toilet ( lolol :3 )
Reached there at 6.10am, I was forced to eat nasi lemak because my father wanted to go that mamak's toilet.
He said they will angry if you use their toilet but you didn't buy anything from them ( == hai yo I scare stomach pain ahh )
Around 6.45am, I saw the girl who is with me during the undang exam.
We asked each other lots of question about driving things ( we had the same teacher )
At 7.30am, we haven't start moving because still got people haven't reach!
They said 7am had to reach here but still got people didn't on time ( ish ish :3 )
Around 7.50am we started to move, ohhh so nervous!
We reached there around 8.50am I guess, I told my name to the counter and she gave me a number.
I got number 86 lol ( at that time I was like omg so behind )
They called us to wait for awhile, about after 10 minutes they called us to register in front.
The first JPJ quite funny haha, he saw my IC and he asked 'how's your SPM?'
I was like what? ( my reaction quite big because I am too nervous that time )
I replied to him then he congrats me, when I was about to sit he shouted at me 'SELAMAT HARI RAYA'
That time I was like WHAT?! ( LOL that JPJ is funny XDD and raya ended quite long time ago! )
After registered, another people gave us short speech, told us what to do and don't.
They called motorcycle candidates first, then the 'ulangan' ones ( 'ulangan' is those who had failed last exam )
Around 10am, we auto candidates were called to do RPK.
They gave talks briefly then another JPJ called numbers.
Got three cars, each cars 2 people checked at the same time.
Very confusing because 6 peoples talked at the same time, I don't even know JPJ how to give marks for them.
When mine turn, I started from the back of the car.
I just labeled everything I had learned, but the JPJ didn't even look at me or listen to me.
I was so worried that what if I didn't say out loud, am I gonna pass?
After I finished he called me to sit there and wait ( I skipped RSM :3 )
I actually forgot to tell about my L license thing, so my friend told me that I missed one marks from there.
After that around 11am another JPJ called us to go to the ramp there and wait ( holy the weather that day HOT! )
My most fear would be the ramp!
We stood there under hot sun and waited our turn.
First person, passed.
Second person, also passed.
When third person, the girl was too nervous until she forgot to hit brake and the car moved too much to the front.
The JPJ shouted at her and called her to get out from the car ( that time everyone's heartbeat lub dub lub dub!! )
And next was my turn ( omg the nervousness, everyone looking at you D: )
Once I entered the car, I was kind of blank, dunno what to do ( way too nervous )
But I was able to calm down, took a deep deep breath.
OK wore safety belt, pulled down the hand brake, changed gear to D and slowly let go my brake.
I just do whatever my uncle taught me to, I was so scare the car cannot move up!
But yeah once I done I pulled up the hand brake, set to N, honked and hand up.
The JPJ say OK ( wowowo I didn't even know where my tires were that time )
Then slowly moved front again and yah my car moved up ( another OK from JPJ )
Next slowly moved to the front, then I reversed ( brummmmm the car was trying hard to move up )
Well it was hard for the car to go up because the road very smooth ( no frictional force :3 )
But yeah, the JPJ said OK! and I can go to the uphill side and wait.
Once I went down from the car, I saw the girl and the teachers thumbs up to me ( I feel so relieve :D )
Then I went to another side and waited for them to finish the ramp.
About 11.30am, the teacher gave another short speech.
A lot of cars parking in front of us ( !!! omg )
The JPJs called those manual candidates first, then some auto candidates too.
At first was the girl gonna do first, but then the teacher called her to wait, and changed to me ( OMG!!! )
He called me to go to the last auto car, once I reached there I looked at the car ( I was shocked )
It was my uncle's car!!!
I remember that blue steering wheel and the calendar!!!
I didn't expect my uncle's car would be at here because I thought that day he gonna teaches other student.
Once I entered, first thing to do was wore safety belt and air conditioner ( XDD too hot )
Oh my lucky me, the girls who were with me just now saw me inside uncle's car too shouted to me.
Isn't that uncle's car?! I also want to sit that car! ( haha XD I feel so comfortable! )
Then the exam began, manual cars went first.
I saw the cars went up and then went back down ( o.o ouch failed )
Some passed some failed ( uphill got two chances )
Once the JPJ called you to get down from the car means you can't move on to the next stage.
When my turn, I pressed the oil slowly until my side mirror reached the middle of the two poles I stopped.
I pulled hand brake, set to N, honked and hands up.
I am so nervous ( I didn't even look out and check where my wheels are )
JPJ looked at me and asked what number and I replied to him 86.
He say OK JALAN ( wowow which means I passed for the uphill )
Then I drove to the side parking area, had to wait because got people doing it.
For auto only got one side parking area, so I waited for quite some time ( my legs burning because the sunlight T^T )
I saw got one candidate, she didn't park the car on time and the JPJ called her to get out ( so scary :/ )
Then when my turn, I signaled before I entered and moved in front.
That time I felt like my car not straight enough ( I panicked for awhile LOL o.o!!! )
But then I don't care already I just continue drove the car like my uncle taught me.
Wualala I managed to park inside the box!
I honked and hands up once, JPJ didn't look at me so I honked twice.
He gave a signal and I continued and moved to the three points turn.
Well of course you have to remember to signal where you want to go if not they will minus marks.
Three points turn was the place where I always scolded by my uncle ( :3 because I always stopped more than three time )
I put my signal on, entered the three points turn and reversed ( everything so far so good )
Until I forgot to change my gear to D, I let go my brake and slightly backward ( oh shit JPJ watching me! )
The teachers beside quickly called me to drive out of the three points turn ( I was afraid I fail T^T )
Then I continued drove to S road and then moved to the Z road ( no mistake )
After finished, I drove back to the place where I started.
I heard those girls said so fast you finished ( lolol XD )
I went down of my car and went to JPJ ( JPJ sat under the tent at the middle exam place )
I greeted to him and he called me to sign my name and my IC ( I saw LULUS yeahh )
72/90 counted pass ( I got 80+ )
He will give your form and you must head to counter and wait for second test.
I checked my form closely, checked where I did wrong.
Three points turn GAGAL minus 7 marks ( that yeah I know that )
The way I held steering wheel minus 1 mark ( I dunno how to hold steering wheel right D: )
Honked twice minus 1 mark ( wait what?! I honked twice also minus mark )
During the exam, no one gonna tell you where to go, you must remember during the practice time.
And always wear safety belt and indicate where you want to go
Around 12.30pm, my number was called again and I headed to another auto car.
On the road test, you must do the RSM before you start your car, if not GAGAL.
I simply did it because when I doing my RSM halfway the JPJ called me to start.
Then I put on my signal made a U-turn and headed out the centre.
Once I was on the road, I was about to change to the left lane but the JPJ scolded me.
She said X PAYAH TUKAR, JALAN LANE INI, CEPAT ( LOL JPJ so fierce T^T I am scare!!! )
She made me so nervous until I accidentally put the wrong signal and she said APA NI SIGNAL PUN SALAH.
So rude ahh the JPJ ( T^T like I had owe her money or what lol )
Once I entered the taman, I asked her where to go, route 1 or route 2?
She said SINI U-TURN DAH ( o.o what? lol so simply ehh the JPJ, well we must follow JPJ words! )
After finished I parked my car nicely and she gave me back my form and I sent it to the counter.
I only minus 1 mark for the wrong signal other than that no mistake ( so I passed everything in one round )
I finished around 1pm and I waited for the other girls...
After my turn on the road, the test stopped for like 2 hours lol ( because JPJs' lunch time )
No wonder she simply called me to go fast fast.
I finished my test way too early, I waited and waited until I fall asleep...
Then the other girls came, some of them had failed for the uphill and some of them passed.
Once you failed at uphill, GAGAL SERTA MERTA ( feel sorry for them but still can retake no worries! good luck )
We chatted along the way, I told them how's the on the road test.
Then we talked about during our practice with uncle ( lol very funny :3 )
One of the girls said, my uncle asked me whether I got boyfriend or not, same age with uncle's son, try get along la.
LOL seriously?! ( but she and uncle's son same school so no wonder he asked like that LOL )
Another girls said during her practice, uncle sliced apple half way dropped his apple, he kept searching the apple but can't.
LOL imagine the scene ( hahaha! )
They shared a lot of funny moments with uncle ( so funny XD )
Uncle and I seldom talk, we only listened to the radio ( dunno what to talk, huhu admire them can get along well with uncle )
Once JPJs finished their lunch, they quite strict somehow ( they asked to do full route, lucky me :3 )
I waited for all of them finished their test, around 5.30pm we went back home by bus ( stupid bus no air conditioner )
Sweating the whole 1 hour in the bus ( doing sauna! ) 
The bus didn't stop at our centre ( == had to walk so far bruhhh )
I paid rm80 for the P license then I went back home by train ( I always went back at peak hours and the train full )
Once I reached home I was happy to death because I passed for the first attempt hahahah <3
That day would be my luckiest day ever!!! <3
Exam that day, we must let go our ego, control our temper and be as courtesy as we can lol, if not fail!!!

I really really have a lot of funs this few months :)
Thanks so much uncle for teaching me lol ( so that I won't need to see the JPJ's face anymore )
Phew such a long post!

Today story of my life #7 part 2

Ok, let me continue my story on 8 April 2016!!!
I know had already passed like 5 days ago ( because I am too busy worrying about the driving test before that haha )
I remember that day I was so damn tired, tired until I had no strength to move around ( like a corpse XD )

Let's start!
I 11.55am headed to Pudu, the place where I met up with my uncle.
My father fetched me with motorcycle and holy shit the weather is killing me! ( I'M BURNINGGGGGGG )
When I reached there, I soaked with my sweat ( I HATE HOT WEATHER!!! )
I was quite worry that day because I still haven't pay for the exam stuffs and I didn't know how to pay it.
But my problems were solved when I saw my aunty, she worked there before so she can help me talk to the counter.
She came here to pay for her son's exam fee too ( yeah my lifesaver <3 )
My aunty also gave me new pants ( thanks ^^ )
1pm uncle called and we headed to Sungai Buloh, 1 hours away from Pudu.
I will having exam on Monday at there too ( which is on 11 April 2016 )
Before that, I drive at small housing area and roadside but that day I drove to somewhere so far away ( it was pretty fun! )
I been there before once, I listened my 'undang' at there.
But I had no idea how to go there already.
When near the tol, I was so confused!
So much of cars and I don't know where my uncle was pointing.
I thought he called me to switch lane because his hands moved around.
But then he said noo! ( emergency brake, scared me D: )
At tol there, met a lot of weird people lol, got people went to touch n go lane but their touch n go not enough money.
Then he wanted to reverse, but behind so many people already ( bruhhh lucky got people called him to pay cash )
If not all people have to reverse, that is crazy ( XDD )
Got one more driver, he drove straight to the unavailable lane ( lolol uncle say this people drunk already kah )
And my turn haha, when entering the lane, I wanted to drive close to the pay thing.
But my uncle scared I bang the side so he pulled away the car and the car moved more futher from the pay thing.
Lucky my hand long enough LOL if not have to open the door and scan ( XDD blame uncle for that )
Anyway it was my first time pay the tol by myself ( cool experience!!! )
After tol was highway of course, I drove until 100km/h++ ( woahhhhh so smooth and fun!!! )
The road at Sungai Buloh damnn so bad ( so many holes, bim boom D: )
I remember that day I didn't aware the road in front, so I pressed the oil and sped up.
But then my uncle suddenly shouted at me and braked ( omg I got really really scared! )
He shouted because the road is getting smaller in front and the bus beside me didn't slow down.
The bus and I will collide and BOOM if I didn't slow down ( I should be aware about this next time! :< )
I reached there about 2pm like that, uncle went to the counter, he wrote something on a paper.
But something I was confused about which was he wrote my cousin name instead of me ( hmm wait what o.o? )
My friend said must thumbprint or anything but I don't have, I just wait for uncle to write a name and sign that's all.
After that, uncle guided me where to go for on the road.
First time I don't really know where to go and uncle kept calling me to move in front but in front got so many cars ( lololol )
After went through once, for second time I had no any problem ( good, learn from mistake haha xDD )
At first I thought the route for on the road was far, many turns and tough.
But actually it was not that hard, the route was quite short, only 5 minutes away from the centre.
After finished learning on the road, my uncle taught me ramp ( new things, I didn't know what was ramp for the first time )
Ohhh that ramp was so shit for the first time, uncle taught me so easy but when mine turn ( D: i got nervous and... )
First few times kept making mistakes, the car can't move up and sometime I hit the brake quite slow, over the line already.
Huhu I am stuck at the ramp for like 1 hour like that ( of course practice make perfect :3 )
After finished the ramp thing, I practiced uphill things, side parking, three point turns, S road and Z road.
I never learn or practice before S road but mehhh I passed for the first attempt without mistake I am professional hahah! )
But I got goldfish memory for sure ( because I forget things quite easy!!! T^T )
I kept forgot where should I go afterwards LOL ( I made uncle 'beh song' liao XDD hahaha )
Continue driving, kept driving until the time finished.
During practicing, my uncle took out apple knife and slide apple, he even asked me whether I want to eat or not.
But I said don't want seem I don't really like to eat apple :3 ( I remember I asked my uncle, you only eat apple for lunch? )
He answered yah, pity me T^T ( lolol with that pity face XDD omg uncle is funny, I also didn't eat anything on that day lol )
After he finished eating apple, he opened a pack of peanut ( I was like LOL uncle car packed so many foods ehhh )
Half way through he slept inside the car ( abuuu I also want to sleep that time :3 kept driving nonstop )
I remember something, at there omg the smell at there was like ( cow's shit smell D: sooo smelly )
Every time side parking, I finished it quickly and closed the window as fast as I can ( LOL seriously unbearable )
And the wind at Sungai Buloh was heat waves ( the wind very hot, once I open my window my hands burning D: )
Around 4pm like that, I felt so stressed up for a while == because I can't do the ramp thing.
I kept failing for the ramp thing, the weather was so hot that time, I didn't eat lunch either...
Then uncle leave me for a second, at that moment I quickly calmed myself down then finally success!
Time tik tok tik tok, uncle asked me whether I OK already or not, I was not so sure about it seem I am afraid of the ramp.
Ramp only got once chance during the exam, but then I just said OK, so we went back at 5.30pm like that.
I don't want to waste his time either lol ( seem my time was over )
On the way back, uncle opened again butter biscuit ( LOL haha )
He asked me again whether I want to eat, at first I rejected him but then he insisted to give me.
But I am driving right now! ( LOL he said no need worry de la, take it~ kept pushing the biscuit near to me ) 
In the end, I took his biscuit and ate it :3 ( so cute lol, packed so many things inside the car )
Way back time, ouch traffic jammmmmm and raining too ( T^T NOOOO )

I trapped in the traffic jam was like one and half hours ( T^T my legsssssss )
Radio: 'Traffic jam everywhere! Have fun guys!' ( I was like have fun?! how to have fun!!! )
Uncle opened his waze and checked whether got alternative road but still == everywhere full of cars...
Uncle noticed I wanted to sleep and he purposely volume up the radio ( :3 prevent me to sleep abuu )
Slowly, my time with uncle finished... ( feel kind of sad huhu no more driving with uncleeee T^T )
After that I took train and went back home... ( peak hour D: train full of people, unable to breath!!! )
After reached home, my legs out of batteries ( broke down!!! )
Driving car nonstop for 6hours+ and stuck in the traffic jam ( no joke!!! seriously tiring ) 
Had to hit brake, then let go brake press oil, and then hit brake again...
I can't even climb staircase afterwards LOL
And my day ended like that XDD

Saturday 9 April 2016

Driving test notes

Rutin Pemeriksaan Kenderaan ( RPK )

In front
1. -take out L license and check-  Lesen belajar memandu saya kelas DA masih sah tempoh sehingga 3 Mei 2016. ( follow your own L license )
2. -check road tax-  Cukai jalan kenderaan XXX 1234 sama dengan no. plat pendaftaran hadapan dan masih sah tempoh sehingga... ( follow the car )
3. -touch the front mirror-  Cermin hadapan dalam keadaan baik/retak.
4. -pull up both wipers and clean it-  Pengelap cermin hadapan dalam keadaan baik/koyak.
5. -touch bonet-  Bonet hadapan dalam keadaan baik/kemek.
6. -touch both front light-  Lampu hadapan kiri dan kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
7. -touch both signal light-  Lampu isyarat hadapan kiri dan kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
8. -touch plate number-  No. plat pendaftaran hadapan XXX 1234 dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
9. -touch bumper-  Bumper hadapan dalam keadaan baik/kemek.

Right side
1. -touch and press the front tire-  Tayar depan kanan tekanan angin cukup, bunga tebal dan keadaan fizikal tayar dalam keadaan baik.
2. -touch side signal light-  Lampu isyarat sebelah kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
3. -touch side mirror-  Cermin sisi kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
4. -touch both door mirror-  Cermin pintu depan dan belakang dalam keadaan baik/retak.
5. -open driver side door, open bonet and but and close the door-
6. -touch and press the back tire-  Tayar belakang kanan tekanan angin cukup, bunga masih tebal dan keadaan fizikal tayar dalam keadaan baik.

1. -touch back mirror-  Cermin belakang dalam keadaan baik/retak.
2. -if got wiper pull up and clean it-  Pengelap cermin belakang dalam keadaan baik/koyak.
3. -touch brake lights-  Lampu brak ke-tiga, lampu brak belakang kiri dan kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
4. -touch back signal light-  Lampu isyarat belakang kiri dan kanan dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
5. -touch but-  But belakang dalam keadaan baik/kemek.
6. -touch plate number-  No. plat pendaftaran belakang XXX 1234 dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
7. -touch back bumper-  Bumper belakang dalam keadaan baik/kemek.

But side
1. -open but-
2. -take the triangle warning sign-  Tanda amaran segi tiga ada.
3. -take the jack-  Jack ada.
4. -take the tools-  Alat pembuka nut roda ada.
5. -check and press spare tire-  Tayar gantian ada, tekanan angin cukup, bunga tebal lagi dan keadaan fizikal tayar dalam keadaan baik.
6. -close the but-

Left side
1. -touch and press the front tire-  Tayar depan kiri tekanan angin cukup, bunga tebal dan keadaan fizikal tayar dalam keadaan baik.
2. -touch side signal light-  Lampu isyarat sebelah kiri dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
3. -touch side mirror-  Cermin sisi kiri dalam keadaan baik/pecah.
4. -touch both door mirror-  Cermin pintu depan dan belakang dalam keadaan baik/retak.
5. -touch and press the back tire-  Tayar belakang kiri tekanan angin cukup, bunga masih tebal dan keadaan fizikal tayar dalam keadaan baik.

Bonet side
1. -press inside clip, open the bonet and place the stand-
2. -check and touch battery-  Bateri dalam keadaan baik dan paras elektrolit mencukupi.
3. -press and turn left to open the radiator water tank-  Paras air tangki radiator mencukupi. ( turn right to close the cap back )
4. -open the cap of the water storage tank-  Paras air tangki simpanan radiator mencukupi. ( close it back )
5. -pinch the hos-  Hos dalam keadaan baik/retak.
6. -take out dipstick, clean it, put it back and pull it out-  Paras minyak pelincir mencukupi. ( put dipstick back )
7. -press the conveyor belt-  Tali sawat dalam keadaan baik. ( I dunno conveyor is what I google translate it :3 )
8. -open the cap of the brake fluid tube-  Paras cecair brek mencukupi. ( close it back )
9. -open wiper water tank-  Air pengelap cermin mencukupi. ( remember to close it back )
10. -press the bonet to close-

Rutin Sebelum Memandu ( RSM )
1. -Masuk, duduk dan memastikan brek tangan ditarik-
2. -laraskan tempat duduk-
3. -tangan pada stereng-
4. -tukar gear dalam posisi P-
5. -pakai tali pinggang keledar-
6. -pusing kunci kepada kedudukan 'ON'-
7. Lampu amaran suhu enjin berfungsi, lampu amaran brek tangan berfungsi, lampu amaran bateri berfungsi dan lampu amaran tekanan minyak enjin berfungsi. ( must point them correctly )
8. Tolok bahan api penuh/tidak cukup.
9. -laras cermin pandang belakang dan sisi-
10. -uji lampu isyarat, lampu depan, pemancut air, pengelap cermin, hon dan lampu hazard-
11. -hidupkan enjin dan tekan minyak-  Takometer berfungsi.

Ramp and car section 2 test

-remember to wear sit belt.
-remember to stop before every white line for 5 seconds.
-remember to signal where you want to go.
-pull up hand brake, put to neutral or P, honk and hands up for ramp and for side parkin only honk and hands up.
-ramp, remember to hit brake immediately when the front wheels go up.
-three point turn, remember not to stop half way, only stop at the end point.

no need to see, this are notes for myself: ramp>up hill>down hill>u turn and go straight to the end>turn left then turn left again>side parkin>turn left>three point turn>turn right>S road>turn left and go straight>turn left and go straight>Z road>go back to the hill ( every people different road )

On the road
-remember both route, JPJ will choose one of them, so must go the right way.
-remember wear sit belt.
-wherever got white line, traffic light or stop sign, must stop, pull up hand brake and set to neutral for 5 seconds.
-drive around 30km/h or 60km/h would be the best, not too slow or not too fast.
-remember signal where you want to go.
-stay on the left lane all the time.

no need to see, this are notes for myself: put signal to the right>go through roundabout>put signal to left>go straight>stop before white line, pull hand brake and set to neutral for 5 seconds>move on to the road side>drive to the taman>drive a square>clockwise for route 1>anticlockwise for route 2>then go back to the centre

Done :3 ( the video not mine, I found it on youtube )