loading... ღ It's all about my life ღ

Sunday, 23 February 2014

I am willing to...

I am willing to... Haiz...
I am willing to let go everything I have...
If you guys think that I am annoying, bad, worst or any else...
Just tell me or you just scold me and tell me what should I do...
I can accept all your enlighten... At least it make me feel more better...
Just please don't act that you guys really don't care I am annoying...
I don't want to be same as one of my school friends...
Even though everyone don't like her...
But we all just act like we don't care at all how is her behavior...
I really don't want ><! I wish you guys hurt me right now...
Rather than I figure out later...
I can straight away vanish from yours life...
Even though we might see each other everyday...
I can just try to make myself invisible in front of you...
I know escape won't solve any problem...
Won't delete your scar that I had made...
Won't reduce your pain in your heart...
But this way is the best for me and for everyone...
At least I won't continue disturb you anymore...
At least you not need to pretend anymore...
At least you won't feel so hurt anymore...
我们也许被注定了... 要认识对方... 要做朋友.. 要在一起...
我们也许被注定了... 要分开... 要做回陌生人...
可能我也许被注定... 会从回在一起... 做回朋友... 做回好友...
缘... 全部都要看缘分...
全已被注定了... 难以改变...


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