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Sunday 27 January 2019

Silly experiment

Just finished jogging...
Did I ever mentioned that I jog when I have a terrible mood?
Yeah actually there are many stuffs in my mind now which are very troubling...
   Family stuffs...
   Relationship stuffs...
   Personal stuffs...
Maybe some other days I will write about it (or maybe not)
Plus damn it my body, it is getting rusty @..@
I can't even run full force just now.

I noticed people love to binge drinking beer when they are sad.
Especially some people that I know.
So I thought: "Why not a can of beer tonight?"
Right after having a chat with bro's friend yesterday night, we went to 7-11 to get our beer.
My bro recommend me a can of Blanc.
Technically it is just 5% of alcohol, I just wanna test it out how does it will feel after that.
Funny eh?
I know I am silly but I am in a mood to try it out since I never really drink a can of beer yet.

Conclusion, drinking beer in the middle of the night isn't that bad.
However, it is still not my cup of tea, it does have a weird taste that I couldn't describe...
Heart beating pretty fast for the whole day today, not sure it is from the alcohol or my recent sleeping pattern...
It also does something to my brain, it was like stopping some of my brain cells, preventing them from interpreting further.
Yeah, I guess that is what everyone wants it isn't?
To stop thinking about everything and get drunk.
Well, I dunno about others but that is what I feel for just a can of beer...
I still don't know my beer tolerance yet, I don't think I want to know lol...
I got a feeling that I will have a very bad beer tolerance T^T
It is very contradicting because I am not sure if I like that feeling or hate it.
Because some part of me wanted to stop thinking for awhile but some part of me is still trying to focus.
Playing serious co-op game while drinking is a very bad idea guys, don't try it :3
One thing I love is that it does help me sleep well yesterday night, I got sleepy right away.
However, you might feel shit in the next afternoon/evening for a moment...
Drinking beer isn't solving anything guys...
Shake my head because the problems are still there...
I am pretty talkative today aren't I?

Escaping is my forte~

What's up world...
Jeez, another day have passed.
My holiday is running low huhu T^T
People have been asking me what have I done during the holiday.
It is a very embarrassing question because all I did was just gaming and chatting with people.

Gaming is the moment that I can escape from reality...
I stopped being an avid gamer since secondary school and now I am back again >///<
It is been a long time I didn't feel so excited to play for a long time.
I missed those good old days, really...
I still hope that our time could stop at that moment.
But memories remained as memories :)

I am so excited for every weekend this time because I get to play with Mr A!
Thanks for recommend me that game hah!
However, I still feel bad that our co-op went so terrible wrong every weekend.
A simple heist that took hours to complete.
There is one very worst moment is when we played for 6h straight cooking meths,
Then last minute BOOM, I blew up the lab because I accidentally put the wrong ingredient at the last minute huhu...
A wonderful night game ruined by me as I am such a noob T^T
I can see your frustration lol but you still remain chill which make me more guilty D: 
I feel slightly scare that one day you might stop playing and move on just like those good old days.
3 years of playing that game, if I were you, I would get bored too...
Well, it is just a matter of time, I shall cherish this moment.
I wish to get as pro as soon as I can to make you proud!
Thanks for wasting the whole weekend night time playing with a noob like me :)
At the same time, I met some "wankers" in PD2 too.
They were so fucked up funny dirty minded fella I ever met @@
Okay, just let you know that actually I am not a very good good girl.
I am not that holy minded angel or something.
I am as fucked up dirty physically and mentally as others haha (in virtual life)
Throwback the time when my friends and I talked a bunch of dirty jokes and stories.
I missed it so much!
Too bad I didn't record all the session during the game play.
They were so wrong in many ways haha!

Other than gaming all night without sleeping, of course I spent some time to have a chat with people.
I have been trying to adjust my bad habit by not ignoring my phone.
Still trying hard but at least I won't take weeks to reply now...
Thanks to you sohai, your words are always the one that I take it seriously :)
I don't know why but it happens since the day we met.
Recently I spent some of my leisure time talking with people that are closed to stranger to me.
For example, I spent time in VRChat and have a talk with random people from all over the world.
Some are funny but some are super weird...
However, I am still not used to talking so most of the time I muted.
Oh I have a very insightful talk with my cousin last week.
I am quite shocked that he asked me whether I want to have a breakfast with him.
From what I know, all of them were avoiding me since younger time because I am the only girl in the house.
Grandma said maybe because they were shy so they tend to run away from me.
So, I was indeed happy and surprised by his sudden invitation.
Of course, I thought it will be awkward because we never talked before...
Surprisingly there is no awkwardness at all.
I know my cousins were all smart ass but I never realized he was a genius @@!
I asked about what he was taking during his Master and Degree.
Before that, I only know that he was taking Mathematics but I dunno what type of Mathematics he was referring to.
I guess he was learning a bunch of algorithm and indices and apply it to real life.
It is so awesome that he could write a program for the machines.
So that those machines will notify and fix the problem when something is wrong.
A lot to explain in here, but all I know is that it is super genius because you write something from scratch!
I have a lot of argumentative topics at that moment and he could just debate me with facts and logic.
You will know how I feel when you have a talk with real intellectuals.
That day indeed I have a pleasant breakfast ever.
Yesterday night, I followed my brother to a restaurant and have another chat with his friend.
His friend doesn't look old at all but he is already 40.
I have to say, it is good to have a talk with older and experienced people once awhile.
Because sometimes those people might share useful experience with you...

Ish I am rambling more than I expected...
I think I have digressed from what I wanna share today.
Nevermind maybe next post :<

Saturday 26 January 2019


Isn't it frustrating when you fucked up every chances to impress someone that you want to impress so much?

Sunday 13 January 2019

Headache D:

Argh, what a good way to start a day = =
This intense headache is troublesome.
Well maybe I have been letting my body to rot for days...
This rotting episode took longer than I thought.
I thought I was ready to face the reality but nope.
Messages are over flowing that yet to seen nor reply...
After finals, I don't feel like involving myself to the reality lol.
I actually spent most of my time in virtual place.
Too bad I don't own any VR device...
One of my goal would be having a VR device!
I want to dive into virtual reality world!
Sadly, today would be the last day of rotting since tomorrow I have to back to school huhu T^T
Okay, I shall stop the craps.
Back to sleep...

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Oh yeah :)

Oh gosh, yes guys!
Finals ended smoothly, although some part of my body barely survive during the exam.
Some of the exam almost made my heart stopped for awhile.
Especially the CPS, "State 3 types of marketing channel." but the marks given is 8 marks...
It is suppose to be short answer and there is a lot similar question like that which is very confusing.
You don't know if you should write more or less with the limited time given.
LOL funny short answer questions...
My right hand and my brain cells, good job guys.
You guys did it at last~
I am glad that today is the last paper because I feel terribly sick.
I couldn't recall the last time I have sick episode.
Almost forget how it feels to be sick @@...
It feels suck...
Your head hurt and your body just don't want to move a inch.
It feels so heavy.
I guess maybe because of the room that I entered during CPS exam.
It is so cold that my hand almost frost completely.
I never expect the hall to be that cold because it is always hot during lecture class.
Other than that I was unable to sleep well for like the whole final week.
It is not that because of burning midnight oil, I never do such thing.
Sleep is very important, it makes you feel fresh.
It is just I can't sleep for the past few weeks.
I was spinning and tossing myself, keep telling myself "go to sleep bruhh".
I keep doing that until the alarm goes off, then I realized "fuck it is morning already".
I guess my body just couldn't cope it anymore, how many sleepless night.
This continuous sleepless night never happened to me thoo...
Mostly it is just few days but this is another new level.
My body feel terrible but well I am still happy because I can finally rest myself :)
Should I head back to sleep?
I tried but I still can't sleep.
Here I am haha...
Ciao see you guys around soon.

Sunday 6 January 2019

2 days left

2 days left and my final for sem 1 finish!
Then I will be out of this misery D:
Leaving 'Crop Production System' and 'Anatomy & Physiology I' papers!
Technically I don't really understand much about CPS because it is more towards marketing @@
Totally new stuff to me but it is awesome to know how to do business.
Thanks god I got slightly idea of how business work through my extra-curriculum.

And oh my gosh, I can't explain how tough this is for me.
The countdown-ing for the final and refraining yourself from distractions.
There is so much distractions going on and your brain have to fight all that!
The worst is that you found a game that you love to play and you wish to play but you can't!
Damn it, that is so torturing!
Funny stuff, I just realized something.
Recently my hostel's Wifi blocked Steam!
I don't know if I should thanks them or curse them LOL...
But that doesn't stop me from watching YouTube.
Although it is slow but still ahhhh stupid fingers!
I found out a new science channel which is super awesome, it is called 'SmarterEveryday'.
Seriously this channel is amazing, the contents in it are superb.
I learned something about how pupa is formed.
You see guys, I always think it was the caterpillar that produced the silks and covered itself.
But no, it is not like that.
Caterpillar just like snake, you know snake changed their skin once awhile?
Yes, that's right.
Caterpillar split itself, wiggled it out and boom!
Becoming a pupa!
I just know it and it is so blizzard! 
There are a lot more science stuffs in it that is worth to watch.
Well, I just can't wait to finish my final...
I am procrastinating again!