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Monday 31 December 2018

Last post of 2018 :D

It is bloody 31st December 2018 today!
Hurray, first day of having my final test.
What a great way to end 2018 :3
The test doesn't come out what I have read so hmm just YOLO~
I know I am procrastinating and not studying for my final huhu... 
I shall go ASAP after finish writing this haha!
An end is equal to the beginning of a start.
Let the good one be the memories and the bad one be the histories. 
So much happened in 2018 and pardon me for my mistakes if I have done something bad.
I know I am not a very good person.
I have hurt a lot of people's feeling with my own foolishness and selfishness.
But I guess it is all the best for those who left me.
You know why? Because you guys won't get hurt by me anymore in the future.
I just hope everyone is doing just fine.
If you don't want to get hurt by me, I must say, just stay away from me.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
This is serious because sometime I can be a cold-hearted person @@... 

Out of topic, I would like to set my own 2019 new year resolution soon! (not now)
Definitely don't want to waste any year without accomplishing anything.
At least this year I have accomplished quite a number of achievements :)
Really proud of myself XD
     -   Went to Melaka with friends at 13th/14th January 2018
     -   Last day of working at 31st May 2018
     -   Bought a laptop by using own money at 10th June 2018
     -   First day of being a university student at 2nd September 2018
     -   Went to Skytrex Adventure Shah Alam at 4th November 2018
     -   Went to Seri Perlis 2 for 3 days 2 nights Program Anak Angkat at 9th/10th/11st November 2018
     -   Took part in Pesta Tang Lung 2018 event as a dancer at 22nd November 2018
     -   Went to MAHA 2018 at MAEPS UPM at 30th November 2018 

Hereby I wish (early) to everyone Happy New Year and hope everyone will do even better in the future.

Saturday 29 December 2018

Brain on 🔥

Oh man I can't take it anymore D:
Why time moving so slow during study week off?!
My brain can't take in any information huhuhu...
I want to end this headache ASAP T^T...


Am I gone crazy now?
Maybe I really need to get my sleep pattern right back...

Friday 28 December 2018

This is bad...

What's up guys...
Okay, I got a very big problem now and I need to get over it ASAP.
Panicked mode in 3, 2, 1 and...


First of all, I am so addicted to Payday 2 in steam and I just can't stop playing it.
It is a heist co-op game and damn it is such a good game!!!
You get to do crime in PD2, such intriguing and thrilling! 
I love thrilling stuff!!!
Don't Starve Together is also another good game that I got it from Mr. A as Christmas gift.
It is a survival game just like the one in DOTA!
Thanks so much for the gift but damn WRONG TIMING BRUHH!!!
I blame you on that D:
Just kidding, thanks a bunch anyways.
I just feel guilty for not getting any gift for Mr. A @@...
I should really get something in the future hmm...

Another huge distraction is WEBTOON!
Gosh kill me, why I have to click on Webtoon at this study week!!!
I can't believe my favourite Webtoon <Super Secret> has almost ended after 1 year I subscribing it.
It feels like I am growing up with the characters in it.
Does Jasmine remember Johan at the end?!
Why Johan have to erase Jasmine's memory in the first place?!
AHHH such a cliffhanger!!! x1
And why both MCs in <A good day to be a dog> won't just tell each other the truth?!
They freaking love each other!!!
Another freaking cliffhanger!!! x2
And why Paris the dummy in <The Dummy's Dummy> look so sassy and smoking hot?!
Paris getting hotter and hotter every chapter and I can't take it >///<!!!
Why it has to stop at the crucial moment again?!


HUHHUU huuuuh, okay deep breathe D:
Don't panic and calm the fuck down!!! (shake my head)
I think that's all...
Please end this upcoming week ASAP...

Pardon me for being weird :3

Tuesday 25 December 2018


Oh great...
What a "good" weather for a shitty mood.
It is raining now.
I can't go outside and run until I lose my breathe :<


Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas~
Today is Christmas Day.
However, my post is not about happy stuff.
Don't read further unless you are feeling shit as I do @@.
I don't want to be your party pooper.

As usual, I never get to celebrate this day.
I tried to get some Christmas hat last Sunday but funny thing is, all sold out.
Thought of getting a Christmas hat so it feel like 'hey I am celebrating Christmas'.
But nahh, I didn't manage to get it in the end.
Of course, today I am alone in this "empty house" of mine.
Well technically, it is not empty but it feels like it is empty.
It is my own fault that I am alone.
Because I chose this path myself.
I chose not to interact with people again.
Well because I deserved it.
It is my problem that I don't know how to solve it...
Anyways I can't wait to go back to my hostel as soon as possible.
Personally I don't really love going back to home.
People might say I have lost my mind for going back hostel so soon but that is it.
I just don't like being in this house, this house always give off negative energy.
People that don't keep his promises.
People that don't know how to help herself.
And lastly people that started all these problems.
Well, I tried to help but I am sick of sticking my nose at theirs business anymore.
So I stopped caring about it.
You asked why am I not trying harder to solve it?
Why should I?
Why should I need to solve problems that are beyond repair?
They made me do this okay...

     Who always shut me up when I got question to ask?
     Who solved all of my problems?
          A friend of mine and myself.
     Who listened to me when I gave my solution to the problems?
          No one.

I just can't wait to get the hell out of here.
Toxic house @@...
I noticed they have changed their attitude and trying to pay back their mistakes.
But sorry, I don't think I am able go back where we all started...
My heart is broken that I don't think if it can feel anything anymore.

Saturday 22 December 2018

Closing to the end of 2018

What's up world~
Hmph, it is been awhile isn't it?
I can't believe 2018 is close to an end, few more days left and it will turn 2019.
Plus I am going to be "••— — —   •— — — —" soon (shh, don't tell others haha)
Gosh, I am getting older every day!

What have I done in this year?
I proudly to say this year is by far the most productive year I ever have.
At the beginning of the year, I was having my post STPM holiday for like 9 months.
During that period, I went to work as a proofreader at a Japanese printing company until end of May 2018.
Of course, I learned quite a lot back in that office.
I learned little bit of basic of other countries languages, such as punctuation and grammars.
Plus, I even spent most of my free time in office playing Duolingo Japanese.
Hoping that I could understand what my bosses are laughing about.

However, I failed to understand them :<
It is indeed a very good experience to me.
I got to meet with a bunch of older people that can share their experiences in life.
Oh yeah, I am glad to meet them all and I hope everything and everyone is doing great right now.
I quitted my job quite early than I supposed to because I thought the school gonna start at around June.
During that time, I was having an interview offer for DVM course in UPM.
I am so so happy and thought of I might get to become a Veterinarian.
Plus, most of my teachers told me that 70% I might get to enter the course.
Anyways, I didn't get it in the end.
Maybe because I did pretty bad during the interview session.
High hope turns to high disappointment.
Trying to express myself to others how well I am, I am suck at that.
I wish I could be more confident in the future :)
Too bad I missed the chance to chase my dream job.
In addition, I don't want to spend hell lot of money in private sector school.
I don't want to own anyone's money especially my parents.
However, not everything I got is bad news.
Good news came afterwards.
I still managed to get an offer at UPM, which is Animal Science at UPM.
First of all, AniSci and DVM are both different thing.
I got pretty triggered when I told people about my course.
Then they will say "Oh animal doctor eh?"
Answer is big NO!
I feel bad that not much of people aware of this course...
Technically, DVM is all about treating and healing animals.
But AniSci is all about domestic animals, the chicken you are eating right now? Yes we handle that.
Sadly in Malaysia, AniSci are more prone to domestic animals.
Which is not how I expected an AniSci course would be.
Okay, how is my university life going on so far?
I freaking love university life!
Love as in really super duper love it!
A lot going on in university. 
I can stay far away from home.
I can join all kind of activities.
I can do whatever I want at here.
Orientation week of course is a pain in the ass, because they "played" with you until midnight.
Then the next early morning they used those scary speaker alarm to wake you up.
They even bang the door if you didn't wake up.
Those week is where you will experience the extreme tiredness.
Extreme tiredness guys!
Even if you are a night owl, you will still feel tired like shit! 
You won't even realized you have fallen a sleep while standing/sitting.
You won't even realized you have entered the dream world.
Of course, it is super fun because it is not something you will experience in anywhere.
It is a new thing and I love new stuff!
I have cheers competition under super hot sun for my orientation week.
That is when I got sunburn =m=
After that orientation week, chill and study weeks.
Your world will turn up side down when your assignments are pilling up along with a bunch of exams and quizzes. 
PLUS with shitty group mates that gives excuses.
"Oh I don't know how to make video."
"Oh I don't have computer to do it."
Some don't even response!
Tsk tsk tsk, guys remember to pick wisely your group mates.
If not, you will end up like me. 
I spent most of my sleep time doing video assignments because no one is doing it.
Of course, I am not stupid anymore for next semester.
I have learned my lesson so I don't want to be a moron that do everything for next year.
In university or college, you will get to know how social world works.
Because it is basically a mini society, they portray how outside world look like.
Many type of people existed in here, weird people, lazy people and so on...
Moreover, don't forget if you accidentally joined some society club.
Your life will crumble even more because it used up most of your time.
Haha just like me, I accidentally signed up a society club because everyone else is signing up too.
However, I never regretted it.
I met more new people by joining it.
It is like a very big family in university.
That society club held a Musically drama show around November 2018.
A ticket that sold RM5, it is crazy!
I never expect people will spent their RM5 to watch our show.
And I am so glad that I spent my free time learning shuffle dance back in June 2018.
LOL I didn't expect it is useful until the dance moves involved shuffle dance!
I spent my holiday wisely thanks god to that!
1+ months before the big day, I barely sleep!
We all trained until late midnight, got scolded by the seniors because some of us are suck in dancing.
10 dancers are pretty hard to control to be honest...
Then I have cold water bath in the midnight and woke up early in the morning.
I even have Test 2 which I barely even touch it.
However it is miracle that I can score more than half haha!!!
One thing in university, if you are very active person, you barely study for your test until the day before the test.
Yeap, that is how it goes...
You barely have free time to study LOL...
Anyways for those who didn't come to our show, I think they really missed the good show.
I am saying this because it is the truth!
Our actors really did a very good job, they acted with full emotion and action!
It is a touching love drama show.
Too bad I was in backstage TT
Other than that, I got myself into a very weird extra curriculum.
Supposedly I got myself a volunteerism extra curriculum because they say it is compulsory to take.
But then, my group is collaborate with business curriculum.
So end up I am involved in social urban enterprise program.
It is a disaster to me, because it is a lot to do.
I am having stressful every weekend because of this program.
We have to discuss with a real seller, then we have to help them design new flyers, business card and bunting for them FOC!
Damn, that is pretty tiring because once again my group mates ain't helpful.
But luckily I still have a very helpful group mates.
6 person in a group but the one that did the jobs are both of us...
After countless time of being rejected by the seller, like the real graphic design job @@
Another sleepless moments after that, finally they approved.
Then we have to do presentations etc.
We have to handle their Instagram and Facebook accounts to increase their popularity.
We even have to sell their products under hot sun...
If we didn't sell finish, they will fail us =-=
Oh god, I am glad that is over...
Actually there are a lot more I did in 2018 but maybe next time I add it on.
It is very late now plus I am already tired because today I finished one of my final paper and oral test.
See you around next time~