loading... ღ It's all about my life ღ

Wednesday 28 February 2018


Oh hello guys!
I know, I know, the same good, old and boring opening.
What else can I do huh other than just say hello? :P

Today was unusually free, I am surprised that I got no job to do for the whole 8 hours.
I thought I will be busy than last time because I have taken a lot of days off for more than a week.
However, there is no job on my table.
Somehow I feel anxious and uneasy, everyone was busy except for me.
Oh yeah, there is a new colleague came during my leave and she is Miss R and she is a proofreader too.
That made more sense on why I got no job for awhile...
I guess she is half mixed Chinese and Indian because while I was teaching her on what a QA does and I accidentally heard she spoke in Chinese.
I am impressed, everyone in office is able to speak Chinese although they are not a Chinese.
So what did I do for the entire jobless day?
Technically, I was staring in front of computer for the whole 8 hours and did nothing. 
What for real?! Nahh just kidding...
I checked on my social media and as usual with all the messages were last sent by me so nothing can be done.
So, I was in Quora for the whole morning, time flies until I didn't even realized it was lunch time...
Quora is bad news, bad for me!
I quit that last time also because it will make my mind spin very fast and I will become more crazy lastly it stressed me out because there are too much questions going on in my mind.
Sometime I feel even more depress as I know nuts!
For instant, I don't even know who is the first person to step on the moon.
(In case you also dunno who is it, it is Neil Armstrong)  
When there is first person, there must be second too!
Same I don't even know who that second fellow is, well it is Buzz Aldrin.
After so many years, only today I know who are them.
Disgrace D:
Furthermore, do you even know that there is third person in the same unit but sadly he didn't land on moon so not much of people know about him, he is Michael Collins.
Moreover, actually they were not the first unit(Apollo 11) to the moon, there were others unit which went to moon but didn't step foot on it and went back to Earth.
Oh boy, pardon me for writing out of control!
There are also other stuffs that I am trying so hard to understand even though few hours of researching still I can't comprehend.
For example, Linux operating system, bitcoins, C language, C++ language and I also dunno about Hitler stuff...
I am suck at all these facts, the world is changing at a very fast pace, I feel like I am still standing on the same spot and make zero progress...

Oh yeah, I also got my result from the BMAT course that I have taken earlier of this month and I am not surprise with the result.
It was below average just as I thought.
Feeling sad? No, but I feel disappointed because I am not what people thought I am...
I am not as bright as what many people think of me...
Well, the story doesn't end here right?
Other than disappointing, there is a feeling of longing in me that I wish to get over it as soon as possible...
I feel something is still not right, something is missing here but I am unsure what is it...
Or maybe this is the effects of indulging too much of drama?
Just now, I read back the first manga I ever read entitled <The World God Only Knows>.
It is about a bunch of girls like one guy, fantasy and mystery type of manga, worth to read til the end, the ending is superb and it blow my mind away!
I know, for those who know me, I am crazy on this manga.
It never fail to disappoint me even thought I have read it many time, it always gets me right to the heart.
Not to mention that the MC is super hot and charming, not in appearance but his actions XD.
But that is not the point here, the point is this type of manga always gives hopes and purposes.
-Hopes that you will have a wonderful ending.
-Your existent in this world must have certain purposes that you need to discover yourself.
I dunno if you understand what I mean, well if you don't it is okay since I don't understand myself either.
There are many reasons why I am feeling such:
Maybe because I am not getting the ending that I wanted so badly.
Maybe reading too much of fantasy is not good because sometime it is just a false hope.
Maybe I am into too much of drama -_-
There are too many maybe(s) and maybe none of them is real and I am not real and so you are.
Oh gosh please, I should stop all these nonsense.
This is why you should not read too much and think too much!!!
Well actually this is not even half of my thoughts, there are more and it keeps on going and going in my brain.
I got no choice but to write it down since articles said writing thoughts in somewhere can temporary put them in safe place so that your mind don't have to be forced to remember everything... 

Oh yeah, last Thursday is indeed fun, went out with a fellow, two people in a world -direct translate-
Funny part is which it took us whole day and night to decide where to go because both of us are super indecisive haha!
After that day is a disaster, I got terrible headache and it feels like my brain is going to explode soon.
I might write about last week in another post!
For that one fellow who is going to face examination soon, wish you good luck!!!
For the one that taking result soon, may force be with us!!!
It is late now so I should ciao, have a great night!

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Today story of my life #11

Yo bruh!
Today's weather is damn hot right?!
My gosh, my body is melting D:


Okay back to the business now, update whatever happened today @@
Early morning, I went for jogging with my father around 7.10a.m. and back at 8.00a.m. 
After that, I went to my old secondary school to take my cert.
School has some changes, the wall looked nicer than last time, more artistic feels~
Yet the pool is still empty, throwback when the whole chinese society cleaned the pool and there are a lot of tadpoles during the cleaning.
I still remember which I put them in a bottle and raised them, they are all black in colour, so cute!!!
Sadly they all died because I dunno what to feed them TT...

I asked most of them whether they are free to take the cert, too bad only CCG available @@
I thought can have a yamcha section since is CNY but never mind, wrong timing ish ish.
Then, I followed my father to the bank to settle his stuff and around 10.30a.m. I reached home.
Awhile then father asked me to drive to Bandar Sri Damansara to visit relatives.
On the way to there, shit almost happen LOL.
(I didn't drive for like few months or more and now asked me to drive so far, thanks god nothing happen TT) 
There are a lot of cross roads, roundabouts and up-down bridges.
(I cannot D:)
The live GPS (my father)  sometime also confused me = =.
Just now there is Y-shaped road in front, my father told me to stay on the right lane but asked me to go straight.
There is a car beside me also stayed on the wrong lane, she wished to turn right and she didn't saw me signaling to the left.
Almost crash but I bet she didn't know because she didn't notice me LOL...
Lucky I was able to stop in time if not I will beheaded D:
(bro's car no play play, we didn't asked him before using)
Really need to take full attention on the road and be wise, thanks god T^T nothing happen~
Not good to drive at unfamiliar place without GPS, dunno which lane should I stick to.
So throughout the road trip it was unpleasant :3
Around noon, we reached their house, if not mistaken is my grandfather's brother.
When I first saw him, my heart ache for a bit.
I saw his face has more wrinkles compared to last year, his standing posture and walking indicated his body is weak...
Although we only see each other once a year, the feeling of sad is real...
Time goes by so quickly that sometime I can't comprehend it.
We are growing day by day and they are aging day by day...
Sometime I do wish that we can stop the time, enjoy the moment right now but it is useless thoughts anyway, it involves breaking the law of physics etc @@
Oh yeah and they didn't celebrate CNY because of his wife which is their grandmother passed away few months ago...
I dunno if it is appropriate to visit them because Chinese's tradition mentioned that if one has passed away less than a year, they should not celebrate any festival...
When my father chatted with them, I can see they are not really in a mood to celebrate CNY @@
We didn't stay long at their house, I just wish everything will be back great for them in the future.
On our way home, another shitty stuff happened.
I really hate the road at there, too much of up bridges and keep go round round, signboards aren't helping at all and I was too stupid for not using GPS ish!
One wrong turn straight to "holan" :<
But lucky there were no much car that time, can stop by and quickly use GPS.
Too bad wasted RM2.50 for the tol.
Then few minutes ride, my mom suddenly got dizzy and wanted vomit.
So quickly stopped at the road side for couple of times @@
If she vomited in the car, bye world I will not be seen anymore... 
She said that I drove horribly.
What?! Did I really that bad in driving @@?!
I fetched my classmates before they said I was a good driver!
T^T lies everywhere~
But I wondered it is she ate too much of fruits since yesterday, because her stuff all fruits...
(TT cannot be my driving skill is it?!)
Oh another fact, my mom felt dizzy so she opened the window behind the car.
I can't believe that will hurt your ears slightly due to some pressure?
It feels like you were in a plane and the pilot suddenly drove the plane downward quickly.
Yeah that feelings...
The sound like helicopter too :3
Anyway I hate that, open window while driving bad and is freaky hot, all the hot air enter...
Can't believe so many shit shit happened in one day...
Hopefully everything will be alright and nothing more happen!
That's all for today, ciao~ 

Thursday 8 February 2018

As quick as a drop of a hat, just like the rain come and go~

Yeah that's right pea~ple, I am talking to you!
(Ps: I just like how the word PEA fits with -PLE)
Okay! No joke anymore, pardon me for being crazy for a moment!
A quick update!
or to be precise, to rant silly stuff :3

Just finished my job and damn, heavy rain poured down right after I stepped out of my office.
There is something I don't understand what's going on!
No kidding, not once, not twice and not thrice but many many many time!!!
At first I thought it was coincidence but after many times?
There's the time when I got out of office, right after I left office, HEAVY RAIN POURING DOWN --- BRUUUUAHHHHHH!!!
(= = the sound effect) 
I got no choice but to wait until it got less heavier.
When the rain getting smaller, I went to nearby restaurant for dinner.
At that moment the rain slowly stop, so I thought I wanted to go other place, more further away from office to eat.
So I got no choice x2 but to eat at there, just when I entered the restaurant, it stopped!
Right after I finished my dinner and prepared to move out, IT RAIN AGAIN!!!
(lol sorry for using so many cap lock XD but this not making any sense to me)

Okay, that is the first one and for the next one is about my job.
Damn for the past two days are just chaos in office.
Most of us busy like a group of ants preparing foods for winter!
Just when I thought there is no job in office because we all submitted most of the projects but the work continue piling up again!
Our client suddenly asked to change a picture from the booklet.
(Ohh change one illust, it will be easy. I guess this is what most of them think but HA they are so wrong about that!)
It is not just one miserable illust that have to change but the whole world that consist of around 30 languages.
Man, plus the picture changes are so minute and unnoticeable.
Huhu, why would they want to change this, change that at last minute and make our life so troublesome D:
I understand that they want perfect but not last minute bruhh TT
It is so sad that two of my colleagues have left the office and the workforce getting lesser and lesser :( 

I got no time to waste, have to prepare for my admission test on this coming Saturday, which is left 2 more days @@
(I am screwed!!!)