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Monday 29 February 2016

Today story of my life #1

Hello everyone!
Today is 29th February 2016!
It's a leap day!
Did everyone plan anything to do today? ( I guess yeah )
My bro left me today alone and went to 'yam cha' ( TT sad )
Today indeed a tiring day /.\
But yah I am happy because my furniture finally arrived!
I did tell you all that I have just moved to new house right?
So what I did today was clean up my room, move my table away so that I can place my new bed and wardrobe.
I have to clean up two room because my bro called me to ( == argh )
And now hurray!
I got my bed and a place to put my clothes.
Now my friend cannot step on my clothes anymore ( hoho you know who I am talking about )
My room is complete and perfect! ( Yeahhhhh )

One more thing that I am happy about is finally my computer is fixed! ( huhu TT touched )
My damn old computer has no sound for ages!
I did every research about how to fix it but no good news.
I eventually gave up my computer.
But yesterday my friend told me to update some sound driver.
At first I didn't really hope that my computer will be fixed but then!
Wualalallala my computer is back to normal and more smoother!
Seriously I really appreciate your help tho!
You owe me three time wan tan mee can compromise to one time ( haha! joking:P )

I have to stop right here tho because tomorrow have to wake up early ( TT I hate wake up early )
Need to bring mama go physiotherapy hmm...
Have a great leap day guys!


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