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Saturday 27 February 2016

My favorite youtuber

Last time I don't really like to watch Youtube because it won't load.
The video just won't load arghhhh ( hate that D: )
But since I moved to my new house yeah I have nicer and faster internet ( which is a good thing haha xDD )
So what I do everyday now is watching Youtube haha xDD
Ok! Here I am going to share some of my favorite youtuber!

1. Thatasmrguy [ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwlVZ-oaHhZv5vAy2_Du2PQ ]
First of all, this youtuber or I can say ASMR-tist is my most favorite ( huge fans :P )
It is a ASMR [ Autonomous sensory meridian response ] channel. ( google up if you dunno what is ASMR )
I love his channel because he is awesome! ( beyond awesome xDD )
He makes role plays about being kidnapped by sociopath/ psychopath/ stalker/ demons and so on.
It makes you experience how being kidnapped like and you can feel the terror which is super super cool!
Of cause I don't wish that happen to me in real life but it is only videos ( I am totally enjoy it )
I feel kind of scare but in the same time I feel safe somehow. ( WEIRD )
His voice is very hot and sexy <3 argghhh and he is such a tease too.
Other than role plays he also makes video about his opinions and life lessons which is great and helpful.
Check up his channel, he deserve more subs so yeah thumbs up for this channel xDD
Congrats for 900+ subscribers~ ( last time I came only 400+ )
p/s: if you hate being scared by anyone then it is better don't click it :P

2. theodd1sout comic [ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8bcnLyZH8tBIH9V1mLgqQ ]
Ok, this is a comic channel which is funny :P ( I just find out recently )
I totally amazed by his works tho, he draws the characters so easy and so simple. ( thumbs up )
The way he talks also very funny xDD love how the way he talks ( seriously so hilarious )
There is a lot of videos that you can slow slow watch.
I just find out this channel recently so I can't mention more about it.
But yeah check it out :P

3. RoyalJordanian [ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgef_fFE9FEFZGQcHqp9aZw ]
I just find out this channel recently too but pretty awesome.
This channel all about motorbike.
He records things that happen during his daily riding.
He is funny too if you like motorbike or I can say super-bike here is it xDD

4. VanossGaming [ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKqH_9mk1waLgBiL2vT5b9g ]
5. H2ODelirious [ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCClNRixXlagwAd--5MwJKCw ]
Both of this channel are about gaming xDD
There are still got a lot of gaming youtuber that I didn't list out but yeah these two are super funny.
I love when they play "guess who - hide and seek".
Damn hilarious :P

Got a lot more youtuber that I want to share such as maple series animator bla bla bla~
But =3= I am so tired right now.
Siting in front of this shit computer for so long really burning my eyes off /.\
I just kindly share what I like and I didn't own any of these channel.


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