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Friday 5 January 2018


Oh boi, finally I am able to open blogger and post something :3
It is so stupid that the office computer can't log in into blogger.
(thanks to Mr A the IT guy for blocking all the good websites)
Trust me, I have tried all sort of methods including the proxy thing you mentioned still can't D:
(but at least Youtube work fine in proxy site haha~)
After a month of working
(of course my salary is already in my bank haha!)
I can't say how excited and proud of myself for getting such money myself.
Although it is not a big amount of money, still I am very happy of it.
This is the first time ever I work so hard to earn that mere money.
In that process, I do regret some of my actions from the past.
I used to compare myself with other families and I remember myself shouting 'I hate you guys and slap the door' just because I didn't get what the girl get.
What a childish/selfish piece of shit am I lol :3
Of course I will still comparing now but damn I shouldn't get upset for what I don't get anymore O.O
Money isn't easy to earn and seriously fucking tiring.
Before complaining about how suck your life are, it is better to switch a day with them then you will understand what I meant just now.
Maybe it depends on which job are you taking (for above statement) 
However, if you work like shit and you have shitting accounting people + stingy boss then congratulations your life gonna suck af.
Just like how my mom's office, I don't understand why the income never increase, worker getting lesser, the sales remains but the company seem to be dropping every moment D:
Stupid boss don't want to hire more people, the jobs are never ending, each projects settled by the same person. 
Sorry for complaining boss, how I wish I could understand current situation and stop calling you stupid :3

After becoming proofreader, I tend to observe more shit and learn a lot of shit too especially foreign languages.
My one of to do list is ongoing tho hahah XD
Say hi, this is me in office haha!
(I have to compare two paper so this cat is exactly how I will be like in office XD)
(unrelated GIF)

Today wanna share who I met and their impression to me in or outside of office.
Most of the time I eat lunch with 2 of my colleagues, my mentor and HR, sometime S and Mr A the IT guy will join us too.
My mentor, all I can say is she is always full of spirit, the fire person in office.
I don't know what is fire person means but I guess you know what I mean right haha XD?
She is just awesome, she did most of the jobs and she knows a lot such as languages.
But too bad she is leaving this month and I will be doom by then because it means all the jobs left me to handle, I still got a lot shit that I haven't learn!
I bet the office will be moody the day she leave tho because she is the core of the office!
There is one day that she didn't come and the whole office = dead fish.
She is leaving the office and going to become a lecturer at a college.
(told you she is not a simple person/aunty she is a UM student too! the school that I wanted to join the most! admire~) 

HR, she is the one that handle the paper works and she stay nearby my house plus her children is from the same primary school.
(I ever wonder if that fellow remember who am I lol?)
It is funny when mentor and HR told me that they save this spot for me to come, before I enter the office, they interviewed a lot of candidates, they rejected all and keep convincing the boss don't hire them.
Pity for the past candidates D:

S, she is the one that sit beside me and I take orders from her too.
My impression about her is that she is very soft when talking, I hardly hear what she have said, a very cool mom through the way she wear, indeed not the old woman type.
Sometime she shares a lot of interesting facts, good to talk with her.
She is like a superwoman too, she is consider the head of the projects.
Whenever anything happen, suppose the boss should come out and protect us but instead of him, S the one that help to block the bullets.
S indeed suit her, superwoman and shhh hahah.

Mr A the IT guy, he is another sad worker in this office.
He always starts work at morning until the next day of 4a.m. because the jobs he got to handle are as high as the Kota Kinabalu, Sabah lol.
Actually he is very kind fellow, because of my mom doesn't know how to do HTML stuff, he got to stay up and do for her.
Too bad boss doesn't hire more experience people, office only got him that handle all the stuff...
He also treated us KFC yesterday dunno for what reason but thanks haha!

About food, the food nearby the office is definitely nice and worth it!
(thanks goodness, food for life man)
Should come Serdang and try, not gonna lie.
There is a guy in one of the restaurant, whenever he saw my mom and I, he will shout and ask to come here in a friendly way of course.
If stranger passed by, I bet they will think we both are long best friend.
LOL I am curious is he ever 'kacau' other people like he did to us? Because I don't see he do that to other customers.

Move back to my office colleague, there are a few Japanese guys in my office.
No kidding, I love when they speak with each other, I love the tone they speak very intriguing XD
First is W-san, I am under his department too and take orders from him.
Different people indeed show different type of working styles.
My impression about him is that he is damn precise and oh gosh it is great to work with Japanese people.
This is because they do jobs with meticulous care.
First day working with him, he spoke very politely, teach you every details on what to do, he even give out some small notes for you in case you don't remember.
Compare to other workers, he is by far I think the best to work with.
I am more concern if I did something wrong but instead of complaining on how noob am I, he ask me about how his works, ask me anything to change, got any comment? 
As a small boss he is humble :)
Today he went back Japan for holiday :3
Sad he always brings the computer move here and there to work so his existence is high haha.

Second Japanese guy is S-san, he sit beside my mom and he is half Philippine half Japanese.
Today just came back from Philippine, brought something from there for all the workers.
(I haven't open it so I dunno what is it)
He is also one of the people that can brighten the office's mood with his voice and accent.
Not same department with him so dunno much.

Third would be F-san, this guy is also a mixed, half Malay and half Japanese, the sales-guy is what everyone calls him. 
All I know about him is that he comes work late and it seems like he doesn't work.
From what I heard from colleagues, he is a lazy guy but I can't judge him by that.
He also has his accent of talking English and sometime he will concern about the others, good guy, at least better than boss =..=?

Lastly the Japanese boss, my impression about him not really good as from what I heard and see, he is not quite a good boss?
I guess he really doesn't know how to handle employees, doesn't know how to appreciate employees and make employees miserable by taking the projects without asking whether we can finish it on time or not.
Stingy boss, as the biggest printing company but didn't print out 2018 calendar, everyone is fusing about this.
Until after a customer said that what a shame, the biggest printing company but doesn't print calendar, even other supplier print out but not this company.
Today wuala got it but not as nice as last year haha, happy now?

There are still got many more that I wanted to share, maybe next time.
Kinda tired for now after rushing one of the projects, due date is on Tuesday but I haven't finish yet TT 
Still thinking whether to work on weekends :<
Ciao~ Next post see you!

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