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Thursday 8 June 2017

Inner thought #3

Just want to ask you all, how much do you trust someone?
By someone I mean anyone in this world e.g. families, friends or even teachers?
You trust them fully, half or zero? ( do comment below if you wanted to )

I have realized something that people are easily to trust another people.
In other words, they get cheated easily...
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that trusting someone is a bad things or we should not trust people.
It is just my opinion that we all should really stop hallucinating on how someone will treat us better and promise us to protect us forever.
Well everything is just pure bullshit ( sorry for being so harsh )
I want to emphasize again, these all are just my opinions and thoughts ( >< don't come and fight me okay ) 
I have observed all kind of stupid stuff every year.
I have seen countless people crying for unnecessary stuffs some even crying for a person...
I can't stand it, I hate it so much...
Why people just don't understand they have to just grow up and start thinking that NOBODY does care about it...
Those people are not worth it for you to shed your tears, I mean REALLY THEY DON'T CARE WHETHER YOU ARE SAD OR NOT...
Because some people are just too cruel and materialistic son of a bitch...
You know something? Is pretty fucked up for me to know the truths...
It is really shit for me to know that everyone is hating that person but still that person is not aware why everyone is ignoring him/her.
It is really shit for me to see that people are doing all kind of bad stuffs behind someone's back.
So frustrating, I just wish that everyone could be just straight on how they feel and do...
Well at least I am trying to be straight right now, I will admit on what I have done so why don't you guys do it as well?

Please guys, let me tell you something.
If people leave you, has cheated on you or hurt you, then screw them off, don't ever look back and consider it as a lesson for not being wise.
Don't ever forget yourself, you are YOU, priceless and special human being...
It is true that it hurts, but you just got to be strong and think of another views, is their loss to lose you, you get it?
If someone don't want to be with you then is their loss, really don't belittle yourself...
Next time just don't easily trust someone, you can't know that he/she is true to you...
Do more observe will do.

To be honest, I am kinda afraid for those who trust me...
I mean I truly feel guilt for certain reasons.
As you can see, I don't even trust my own parents, do you think trusting me is a good choice? ( even myself doubting myself... )
I am afraid that one day I will hurt the one I most precious...
I am trying to keep my evil side as far as I can, if sometime I missing in action for no reason, that's the reason...
Arghh, sometime it is so contradict because I wish people to trust me but I am kinda evil and I don't wish to hurt someone...
So confusing and mind fucked D:
Well that's all for today ( my random thought just kick in lol, all kind of bullshit is inside )

Saturday 3 June 2017

Inner thought #2

I need hug...
I need love...
I need comfort...
I need someone to lend me their shoulders for me to rest...
I need someone to lend me their hands when I really need it...

Sorry readers, I rarely act so childish >< but I kinda fed up the life for a moment...
I hate it so much that things don't go the way I wanted to...
I have tried hard to help as many people as I can...
I have tried to give all my attentions to everyone around me and give them comforts or advices if can...
But it ended up I hurt someone else in order to ease another person...
I mean is it wrong to help someone?
I know I am wrong for slipped up a little secret, I am sorry about that...
But I really have no bad intention...
All I wanted was to just clear up the misunderstandings...
It is very frustrating and hurtful when you heard your friend said 'I hate myself... Why everyone is ignoring me?'
The worst is you know something but you can't really tell them ( fucking frustrating )
Moreover, I hate seeing people backstabbing that person and that person is clueless on what is going on...
So I chose wisely on what to talk to ease them a bit but argh I still fucked up...

The only reason I do so much of troubles and try hard to listen/understand people is because I don't want them to feel lonely or abandoned...
I wish I could be the one who can ease them and led them to a brighter place...
I just don't want people to feel the feeling that I hate the most --- helpless, clueless
Arghh, maybe I should not be such nosy... 

I feel deeply sad because I might lost trust from that fellow or more worst I might lost her/him completely...
I tried to not think too much and want to be as positive as I can but sometime it is so hard for me to force myself to be positive...
But I have you, which is the only reason that keep me sane, I guess I might go crazy without you ( like right now D: )
Well, maybe I should just get a rest, thanks for reading and have a good night guys...
I will be fine the next day morning :)